multicontroller difference


New member
what is the difference between the 7094 & 7095. There is no info on the website about the 7095. If I were to only buy one stream along with a mulitcontroller would I have any issues? Buying 2 streams and a multicontroller is not in my by budget as of now but I would plan on haveing two streams eventually.
The 7095 replaced the 7094 last fall, the 7095 can be read about if you download the new catalog in the bottom left corner of the homepage, same page with the flags. If you want one you have a matter of days to get it before it goes up $40, Sept 1st the new pricing goes into effect. The pumps don't go up much- 8% but the controller is the only exception and it is going up $40 because a pricing error was made last year and it really should have cost more then it did. It was priced before it was ever made based on guestimates of production costs that didn't hold out.
Can you run just one stream for the short term on a multicontroller? Will it cause any damage? I doubt it but I have to ask the question. Thanks for the heads up.

No, it will work fine, it just limits the programs you can use until you get another pump.
Are the prices going up for the wavebox as well? I'm not sure what I going to go with due to the fact that I don't know the exact age of my tank. I would hate to put a wavebox in and it cause too much stress on my tank. That's why I may be considering a stream instead. If I don't plan on getting another stream for awhile maybe I should consider a single controller if I won't be able to use all of the programs. Your thoughts??

Everything except a few filters and small pumps that were unchanged went up 8%, the multicontroller went up more.
If I don't plan on getting another stream for awhile maybe I should consider a single controller if I won't be able to use all of the programs. Your thoughts??
I would take advantage of the savings, the multicontroller will still do more than the single controller.