Multiple display tanks anyone?


New member
I am planning my new house (2-3 years out) and thinking that I would like a reef tank, a FOWLR, and either an Octopus or seahorse tank. What I have come up with is this:


The cube is 2'x2'x2' for the octopus. The FO is 6'x18"x24" for FOWLR. The REEF is 6'x2'x2'. Total display 375 Gallons. Both the cube and reef would be visable on 2 sides. Total viewing area 18'. The fish room is behind the tanks with the door beside the cube.
Anyone ever done something like this?
Any pros or cons that come to mind?
Sorry for the crude diagram, I am still figuring out sketch-up.
As long as the tanks are not interconnected AND you have a good lockdown on the octopus tank (since snacks will be so close) shouldn't be an issue.

Pro, ummm multiple species tanks kind of that excitement when walking into a fish store.

Cons, lots more maintainence, multiple sumps required, multiple filtrations for each tank.
Why would it be necessary to keep the tanks isolated form each other? I was thinking I would put connections between the tanks so that the water levels were equal and they would all have a common sump. Of course these would be "fish proofed" I was also expecting to have ball valves to isolate different tanks as needed but the norm would be for all tanks to share the same water.

My thoughts were that all three would overflow to a common sump and water would return via one line split 3 ways.

As far as the sealing in the octopus is concerned he will not be able to see the other fish. And it will of course be sealed and locked down.
It could work but you would have to have ball valves to close off water from the other tanks if one goes bad or has an issue and as soon as you do that then you have to make sure all the tanks are still getting filtration and circulation, so mulitple sumps or filtration units would be needed especially if the octopus decides to ink.
Well I know that seahorses need different temp and such than reef tanks do. At least that one would need to be separate.
im sure octopus's need extremley good water,a nd with a FOWLR attached, that could be difficult to accomplish...
Thanks for the replys. I think the seahorse/octopus tank will have to end up being just octopus. So if I set them up with 2 sumps, a primary and secondary with the plumbing set so that I can isolate 1 tank on the secondary if needed would that work?

It could be the same large sump split and mirrored with the fuge staying with the main section in the event of an isolation.

All in all does this seem like a neat idea? Anyone ever done this type of thing?

It seems like this way I can have all of the neat specimins without having to worry about expensive things being eaten. Additionally
it ends up being a huge amount of viewing area for the water volume (only 375 gallons but 18' of glass:) )

I have done a 3-tank combined system fer the past two years. The system includes a 20 G "nano", a 50 G FOWLR, AND A 75 G reef all tied into a 30 G sump.--- 175 G total --- It helps with the maintenance, but when something goes bad, it becomes a pain to seperate the different tanks.

I'm redoing my system now into a 220G reef and a 120G FOWLR. The two tanks will be on seperate systems now because they really have different requirements.....

Overall, it sounds like a good idea, but I think its better to keep them apart.

Good luck either way.

I was also thinking about putting two tanks into one sump. I have a 225 reef and putting together a 120. Both will be reef. Would this be a problem?
Mr D.

I don't think that two reef tanks would be a problem like mixing a reef and a FOWLR like I did. The advantages of a common sump (as I see it) is that you have a place to redistribute fish or corals if needed, maintenance is easier, more water=consistency, less equipment... and I'm sure there are some more.

BUT, there is probably more at risk because if something in one tank starts to go south, it's difficult to disconnect the other tank in order to start a treatment. I once had an outbreak of ick in one tank. In order to convert the tank to hypo salinity, I had to setup a filter on the other tank, and of course there wasn't the room I needed, etc., etc,..... You get the idea.

I personally liked having two tanks on one system, because I am basically a lazy person.LOL I think it could work out well if you have a place for a hospital tank and a QT. They help reduce the risk. Good luck!! Post some pix....

I have to admit that I really do not understand why some people say it is a problem. If I have a 315G display tank on a 100G sump with a 75G fuge is that any different than having the 315G in 2 seperate displays? If this is a problem how do all the LFS's have 20-90 tanks on the same Sump? (yes I have a lfs that is setting up a 90 tank system, they are from 5-20 gallons.) We are talking about turn over rates of every 10 minutes max, realistically it is one system separated by a pane of glass. Here is a different way of putting it..... If you have one big tank do you need 2 sumps? If you have one big tank on one sump can half of it die?
I do not see a correlation between tank problems and 2 displays. I understand that people have had problems but have they been because of the setup or because problems happen in this hobby?
more fish food and then more fish waste will be the norm for the tank as a FOWLR. Reef tanks (SPS mainly) need pristine water quality. The "polutted" water from the FOWLR will then mix in with the reef tank water and mess up the reef tanks water. Keep them seperated.
it would look really cool to have 2 rectangular tanks back to back but seperate you could have them built into a wall, or even on the end of a wall with a cube at the end as wide as them both...

if that makes sense...