Multiple stage life-cycle in Macro algaes


New member
I am looking for some feedback, and to share some observations that I have noticed as of late in my nano. Sorry if it gets lengthy.

I keep a 6 gallon nano, with a variety of macro. I recently changed my lighting, and after this change noticed a drastic change in my macro algae.

Three species specifically, one was originally a brown kelp like algae. Small leafy structures hanging off a "stalk", after the change in lights it now has clustered up into a bunck of translucent tannish clear long bubble structures. Kind of cool looking

the second, was a small patch of brown slime algae. It now had these very interesting purple grape like bubble structures growing out of the slime patch (maybe a 1 inch square patch). Nice looking really.

The third, which is the most concerning, was a very hard held fast red turf like algae over one of my rocks. Never really grew, was like red whiskers stuck pretty tight on the rock. Well now it is changing into a loose, rapidly growing green hair algae. fuzzy and sticky, very difficult to remove. Kind of worried about this one, as it is covering 50% the largest rock and making its way to others, and all over the glass.

Now I have had this tank up for about a year, ran 2 13 watt PC's for a while, changing them once before from 2 10k/blue 50/50 lamps to a 6500k and actinic 03 lamps. No problem.
Last light change was to a custom hood with 4 13 watt PC's, all 10k/actinic 03 50/50 lamps.

So what is going on? Right now I am running a reduced light schedule, 6 hours.
Is this usual with the more exotic macros, or should I start testing things again.

Has anyone else ever seen this. Red algeas going green. small slime algae growing bubbles. Larger kelp growing bubbles?

any comments appreciated.
