Multple AI Modules


New member
I am still in the planning stages but, If I have 8 AI SOL units can I control them separately using the profilux or are they just one big light?:crazy1:
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Normally, no... But maybe you can make it work it a PLM-ADIN card? Not sure...
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they will work all together, ProfiLux has the ability to control them indivually but the Ai does not have a non volatile ram so would lose all setting in the event of a power outage.

I know GHL and Ai have talked about this feature.
So what your saying is that you could set the unit 1 to illumination channel 1&2 and unit 2 to to illumination channel 3 & 4 and so on, with the AI units addressed accordingly but in a loss of power all the AI units would default back to 1 & 2.:sad2: