mushroom care

Drag Racer

New member
This has proabably been asked a dozen time but any special care of feeding, light requirement and flow? Any help would be appreciated. Wifes wanted one since I started the tank over a year and a half ago. Its a purple mushroom coral. Also how fast do they grow and spread? Thanks alot
Sorry I took so long to post a pic but here is the new addition.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

Any info on care would be greatly appreciated

Those look similar to the purple mushrooms that i have. Mine have bumps all over them rather than strips.

Under my previous lights, which were 4x65 PC the mushrooms were larger than under my new 4x54 T5 light.

I recommend lower in the tank with T5 and middle with PC.
cool thanks logzor. right now there at the bottom of a 55gal tall tank. and thats what they look like now. But as far as food goes do i need to feed anything special or will Rod's Food be good? all im using for light is a PC lights with 2 atinics and 2 white lights that i bought from a LFS