Mushroom dying - please help


New member
Hi, this is my first post, I'm hoping someone can help me. I've gotten some green hairy mushrooms for my tank and after a couple of weeks they have gone from nice and healthy to this... What could be going wrong? I've tried moving them around into brighter and lower light and higher and lower flow. They just seem to be falling apart/splitting up (and doesn't look like the good duplicating splitting). Any ideas? Is it too late to save them? Any help greatly appreciated!!


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they look pretty dead..
Sorry not an expert on mushrooms.. this is the sps forum, so mushrooms don't really fall into that category but like any coral, the basics need to be there for them to thrive..
you'll need to give full info about your reef..
all water parameters
all inhabitants
all equipment
have to start at the beginning...

and, although an inauspicious beginning, welcome!
Hi, sorry about that; I meant to post in soft coral not sps forum; I'm not sure how I managed that! I'm pretty new to all this, so sorry if I get names wrong, but my bf has had the tank for about 6-7 years. It's 360 L. It has:
1 blue tang
1 yellow tang
1 valentini puffer
2 pyjama cardinals
1 blue damsel
2 orange firefish goby
2 purple firefish
1 black and white clown
1 picasso clown
1 starfish
1 purple & pink reef lobster
6 hermit crabs and about the same number of snails
There was a mandarin I loved who recently died.
Water temp is 77-80. Salinity 1.025. Alk 10, ca 420 -- what else should I include? Sorry; like I say I'm new to this!
Mushrooms are typically pretty resilient. They typically like areas of lower water flow and light; I usually observe them closed up when there is too much of either. Hard to make out what is happening in the pic; is it possible to turn off the blue lights and repost with just the daylights (whites). It is possible they're bailing out of their current location to find something more suitable.
Hi, ok, I've tried to take pics with just the white lights on but they are harder to see so I've done a close up under blue lights as well and also one of the whole tank so you can see where I've put them in the whole setup. They are in the front bottom, maybe a quarter of the tank length from the right side (if that makes sense). Thanks so much!


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I don't see many other corals..
What's the water change regimen?
What type of skimmer?
What salt?
Do you use Carbon?
Nitrate and phosphate levels?
Do other corals do ok in there?
Has it always been a reef or was it a fish only tank before trying corals?
Do you use RO water for top off and wcs?