mushroom help please


New member
i have a coralife aqualuner light system with 2 96w 10,000 K daylight bumbs and 2 96w actinic bulbs. i was told since i do no have strong lighting, put my mushrooms as close to the light as they can go. well some of my mushrooms are opening all the way up and it seems like there transparent. does this mean to put the deeper in the tank?
mushrooms are generally tolerant of differing lighting conditions. i have noticed that they do color up when getting more light. could be they had been in a tank with much more light than yours and that they are adjusting to the light level you have. with your light you should be able to keep them. i used to keep shrooms under standard fl bulbs back in the day.
i have a 175w mh 14k, and mine are going nuts--the best ones are the ones underneath the rock shelf...they grow really large trying to lean out into the light