Mushroom I think????

logan 12

New member
Just wanted to post some pictures of this coral, I belive that it is a mushroom. I have never seen anything like this in the 8 years that I have been in this hobby. I have began to frag these out of one of my tanks. So hopefully more people can enjoy this coral. If you can ID it please fill free to do so, if not then whatever. LOL Like I said I just want to share. Let me know what you think.



It looks like a Rhodactis santithomae (Caribbean bubble mushroom) or a Indo-Pacific Rhodactis, some of which have pretty large vesicles like that. Either way, it's pretty sweet.
Yeah, I just got these Indo-Pacific Rhodactis... I had no idea they could get big vesicles like that! Here's a pic from before they were fully inflated. The white blobs are now full-on bubbles!!

Well thanks for the ID guys it is greatly appreciated. Now what are these puppies worth, just kidding"¦ Hahahahaha Hopefully I can keep fragging these out, so far so good.