mushroom ID please

scuba guy ron

New member
I am looking for an ID on the violet mushroom with the green edge. here are some pics. I've tried to place it just about everywhere in the tank and it doesn't seem to like much light.



Yea yumas do have bumps on there mouth, especially on the ultra grades.

Your yuma looks bleached from too much light, and apparently you've observed that it doesn't light lots of light. If it perks up you should be able to see small bumps on the mouth. I have two like that one and I have "ultra grade" yumas. IMO one of them should be renamed because those regular yumas look noticeably different then the ultra grade yumas and it's confusing when looking for info on yumas.
yeah, It is actually real healthy now but when I first recd him he was bleached. It is actually not bleached at all now. The color you are seeing is lavender.
+1 on yuma.....The close up of it shows that it was stressed and unhealthy...Good job on bringing it back.