mushroom not extended


New member
I purchase this yuma mushroom last day, it look bigger and wider when in lfs but it look shrink and not extended but still retain his bright colored ( you can see the mark around the mushroom), i place him at the top as the lighting is strong in there rather than the bottom as very little flow cause algae to quickly cover the rock, my salinity is about 1025 to 1026 my nitrate is good for now, between 5 ppm, here is the picture:


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Mushrooms like low lighting it may be closed because your blasting it with light

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I don't have a kit for phospate, and i have only test kit for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph, you just mention about low light, if so, should i put them to darker, low region in the tank, just let him acclimated to bright light for few day?, i use a LED lighting
So i put these mushroom to the lower region on tank, did this light intensity id ok to this mushroom? I will update in next day about this mushroom


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Mushrooms like low light so thats a good spot. I personally have most of mine under caves

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No higher than midway for a new shroom. If you start them happy, they can multiply and move on their own. They're surprisingly mobile.