Mushroom spewing guts for over a week

I have no shrimp in the tank (that I am aware of or put in on purpose). I did feed the mushroom some mysis last night and although it was too weak to close around it, I could see its digestive organs working on the outside and holding onto some of it. It has regained a tiny bit of color, and I think its from the feeding so I will continue to try and feed it with pumps off, by hand, til it thrives or dies.
Do you have any coral with stinging sweepers witching six inches of it? This would include Galaxea, frogspawn, hammer, even a long tentacle plate and other similar corals with tentacles that are semi-aggressive/aggressive. My Galaxea just stung my hairy shroom and now it's guts are coming out of hat spot. Even if you don't see sweepers on any of you corals, these types of corl could be the culprit. I hadn't thought of that before so I thought I'd mention it. Good luck! Glad to see it eating!
I have no aggressive corals anywhere close to it, nor have I ever have before. The only corals in close vicinity ever have been other mushroom corals. Would other mushroom corals of different species be a threat?
hermodice carunculata - just found out i have this in my tank as well. Could these contribute to my mushrooms poor health? They are starving and mean cause i didnt put food in the tank until 2 days ago when i got my first fish - red head goby - and i now fear the worms could eat him too as they are larger. Already missing a snail and hermit - their empty shells and the hermits eaten body were found next to the lair. I caught one at 2" and see 2 more that are at least 4". Many small ones exist as well im sure. I am looking to remove them all as fast as possible.
Also, right before my mushroom looked like death my nitrates were at 50. Since then they dropped to 20 after a WC, and are now at 0-5 for around 2 weeks.

Also, I found out I have a burrowing worm that is in my palys. I'm going to do a post in the zoa/paly forum about that one.
Update - its dead. The rock it was on is now showing through it as its flesh rots away. I have no hope for it recovering. It is completely white, expelled all its zooanthexlle, (spelled wrong i know), and im chalking it up as a loss. I'm guessing when my nitrates peaked at 50, it took too much of that bad water in and slowly died. I'm unaware of any solutions that might have fixed the problem.
Thanks, and as a follow up to this post - the mushroom lives and has multiplied! Check out the new thread if you read this one - Never give up on a mushroom. Happy shrooming!
Hi, my green hairy mushroom was doing great for months, I would even feed it and it would curl into a ball and digest the food (SO COOL!) then about a month ago it starting drooping and looking awful. I moved it all around the tank to see if it liked somewhere else better and it looked worse. Now it is on the sandbed (on the rock its attached to) and there is lots of parts to it but it looks like it is dying.