mushroom versus ricordia battle


New member
My tank is getting overrun with mushrooms- A few months ago I put a nice ricordia on an isolated rock, and now it is surrounded by green-striped mushrooms. I've been watching and wondering who will win: sometimes the ricordia is overlaying the mushrooms, other times the mushrooms get the jump on it. This is sort of like watching a very slow wrestling match.

Anyhow, should I try to abate the mushrooms? I read a thread where someone use kalk, but I worry that I might get some on the nearby ricordia.

Any advice?

Oh, I don't want to get started on the star polyps taking everything over- that stuff is like a cancer, or the evil Borg :(
I have heard of people injecting the muschooms with kalk to kill them off. Try to isolate the gsp so it wont keep taking over other rocks.
Thanks, that sounds better than playing with kalk. I tried tweezers but that was messy and not very humane, so I'll try various razors and try the glue.

Regarding isolation from mushrooms, I have the whole left side of my tank beautifully encrusted with a mixture of green-striped and purple mushrooms, and they are sending out "nomads" to other areas of the tank. Between the star polyps and the mushrooms, I have some some serious migration battles in store. The star polyps are able to spread up the stalks of hammer coral and smother it. nasty stuff.
star polyps were much cooler when we knew nothing!

maybe you could move the ricordea if there is only one and many green striped mushrooms

i hope the ricordea wins if you leave them be