mushrooms dieing?


New member
I noticed initally some of my mushroom losing their mouths and being spiraled. IS there a certain critter that would eat a mushroom in this way? they continued to die, and now I noticed them deteriorating altogether.

ALso there is a film type of web that is draping across rocks and corals that has tiny dots in it. If I knock it, it will float suspended with the dots. this seems to be taking over areas and killing corals, but not harming the fish yet.

have been doing water changes, and also trying to syphon out the film directly, but it seems to return quickly.

any thoughts or comments?:confused:

It is scary, I am worried about the fish. Plus I am losing so many corals.
If a lot of corals are dying it's more likely to be water quality than a predator. Test your water (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) and do a large water change if necessary.

What kind of light and filtration are you using?
What kind of mushrooms are they?
strangely, I lost all of my flourescnt green hairymushrooms, which were my easiest coral that reproduced like crazy. Then I lost some purple and blue mushrooms and some candy cane.

I did a massive water change and it has seemed to help, and were are going to do another one,

the salinity was very very low end, so that may have been a problem,

i will keep posting as it prgresses THANKS!