Mushrooms getting stung


New member
I was wondering if zooanthids will sting/compete against mushrooms. I have some zoos crawling up a rock in my tank which is coming up on a patch of green mushrooms I have.
I was also wondering if rics next to mushrooms will sting each other or not.....I am guessing no?
So if the zoos grow into it just the ones that grow into it will die correct? The whole colony of zoos won't recede? It will only recede as fast as the mushrooms grows. Obviously when the mushroom grows it gets bigger which would mean it covers a larger area thusforth killing more of the colony?
Shroom on shroom battles are rare however I just had a baby green fuzzy shroom fall over on my frag rack and touch a frag of my Pink eyed bi color rics the ric won the battle but the shroom basicly threw up all over one of them as a final move the shroom died and within 1 day the ric was ingulfed in "slime" the ric next to it got it was well and so didn't the one next that one. So now I lost three $90 in Rics becuase of a $5 baby shroom.

Zoa - Shroom battle are rare (90% the shroom will win and the zoa's will the head other way) but watch it if you start to a see a slime produced where they are touching increase the flow on that spot and frag what you have to get them apart and not touching any longer. If the slime gets the shroom next to it , it will wipe the entire colony out in 2-3 days. I hade beautiful Purple Disco's about 25 full grown adults one of them went to war with my Green Rhodac's next to them and last and the entire colony melted away in days. I was on vacation and only had pictures to work with but if I had increased the flow and fraged the "infected" shroom away I might have been able to save most of them.
Thanks a lot JMC.....that was very helpful. I am sayin it will be a couple months before they start to get that close to each other but I don't like to move my corals around a lot so I really wanted to look into it. Plus, I am sure I will be getting more corals so I may have to move stuff around.

Thanks again,