mushrooms mouth are open! HELP!!!


New member
my shrooms all have gaping mouths! they have been slowly degrading, havent been completely expanding, are completly bleached white, and wouldnt eat, but now I am really worried! what should I do? the salinity was high, above 1.030, so I brought it down with a 50% water change, hoping to also get the water quality up. when I took out the water I realized it was tinted brown! so now I am panicking, I think my pepermint shrimp died an caused a mini cycle, and that the body turned the water brown. I am most worried about my shrimp, but because she seems fine my attention is brought back to my corals. I was thinking about placing some flake into their open mouths, I also have frozen blood worms, brine, and beef heart.
well, first I have to find my test kit. I would think the shrimp would be reacting to the ammonia (if any). like I said before I have done a 50% water change, will do another ASAP (probably about 3 days from now, will be away).
well, thanks for the help SaltyBoG Water. the mushrooms are dead, taking with them 3-4 colonys of zoas. I dont think it was water conditions that killed them, as my shrimp and snails lived through it, never showing any stress. I think it may have been stress, they were in a downhill spiral since I got them, and the zoas have lately been acting funny. on polyp out of all the zoas (probably just under 100) has made it into my other tank, hitchhiked on a piece of rock. this death leaves me weary, I will be getting a small bit of coral today to see if it will stay alive.
Yeah, the salinity was a little too high. Need to keep it stable and in the right range. Water changes will be good.
well, thats not an issue now, they have gone to a better place (along with my peppermint shrimp, 3 zoa colonies, and my bumble bee snail). I had no control over salininity as I was away (it was suposed to be only 2 days) for 4 days, also they had been going downhill form when I first got them. I have gotten a (very pretty) single polyp of mushroom (as a test coral, and because I need my ood lights on before I can get anything besides shrooms). has anyone ever seen a dark green shroom with glowing green patches around outer edges and a glowing green ring around its mouth? it is now trying to find something to attach to (in a tupperware w/ rubble). it also has some small, not very prominent, dots on its body.