Mushrooms not doing so well


New member
This one was fine when I bought it and then a couple months later it started to look like it was bleaching in a small area. The small area grew over a week or so and stopped and hasn't gotten any more or less color from then.

I also have another mushroom in the tank that I have had for about 8 months and it hasn't grown at all.

I haven't tested the tank in a couple weeks since every time I do test it I get the same results and when I take the water to my LFS they get the same results. Test results are always fine and I do water changes once every week to two weeks.

It's in a 9 gallon tank with a compact fluro light. I dose Iodine a few times per week and dose calcium when I need to.


Any ideas what is wrong with the mushrooms in my tank? Semi-bleaching with no sign of improvement and no growth whatsoever.
All of this while having a ricordia in the tank that had quadrupled in size in 2 months and spit out a baby ric that's growing fine.
Considering your using a 9 gallon tank, dosing may be rather dramatic for the corals since you are most likely adding often by the sounds of it. Also, iodine a few times a week? Not sure if such a great idea...
I add a more complete two part to my small 10 g tanks every day, but always in small quantities via the guidlines on the bottle and based on bioload.
have you tested the Iodine level? I would hold off on adding anymore iodine. Also are you feeding the tank, are there fish present. What are you testing that is fine?

The more information that you can get out here the "better" the response you will get.

You might get a bunch of responses but!!!!
I haven't tested iodine levels since I don't have a test for that.

My other test results are:
Ammonia - 0
Nitrate - ~5
Phosphate - 0
Ph - 8.1
Calcium - 450
Alk - 110
Salinity - 1.025
Temp - ~78F

I dose according to what the back of the bottle says to. I dose about 0.5ml when I do.

I have moved them to the bottom of my tank two weeks ago with no signs of anything changing with them.

I do feed the ricordias brine shrimp and I feed my lawnmower blenny often.
Of all the supplements you need to be testing for before adding, I believe Iodine is THE most important. Feel free to disagree with me on this, but from my reading I believe a small overdose of iodine can bring a tank down. I don't have an iodine test kit either, but I don't dose iodine. I do dose reef builder/reef buffer as needed, but I test ph, alk, and calcium regularly. I'd suggest either getting an iodine test kit and checking that level OR doing 5% water changes daily for a week to make sure your iodine level comes back down in case it is high. If it is high, low, or just right, water changes will only help the situation. :) I hope they come back for you...I love mushrooms, probably as much as I love zoas.
if you dont test for iodine why do ya add it..i got alot of softies each different softie needs smothing different.. some of my mushies like bright light while others like shade.. if your red mushie is bleachin shade it.. in a low current to lower the stress level..i feed my softies cyclo-peeze they love it.. target feed with a turkey baster.. like once a week.. i hope that helps..

Well I've only recently started to dose the iodine and the mushroom was already like this before I started dosing.

I dose because I read that people (people here, my LFS said theirs took off after they started dosing, and in Calfo's book) claimed to have results from it. I dose in small amounts and do weekly water changes. I haven't dosed in a couple weeks and now the corals don't look as happy and out as they do when I was dosing.