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i had a friend give me some mushrooms from his 10 yr old tank. he has been growing them for years. unfortanatly he gave me ones that had detached from the rock work. i can get then to attach? is it possible? and what are some ways of doing so?
I just set mine of a rock in a low flow area and the attach naturally. I dont' know if this is the best way, but it has worked for me in the past.
Place them in a small container of rubble and cover using a rubberband and bridal veil available at walmart very inexpensive in the fabric section. The shrooms will attach to the rubble and then you can super glue them to a piece of live rock. Put the glue on the small rocks and not the shroom, and you only need a very small amount. Very easy to do. It may take a week or two for the shrooms to attach to the rubble. Keep them in low flow until the are fully attached to the live rock.
Is there anything wrong with just allowing it to attach to the rock? Is there a reason why you like to put it on rubble first?
Nothing wrong with it at all, but sometimes can be frustrating. I am talking about pea to marble sized rubble in the container. It just makes easier to get mushrooms to attach to something. Some people just stuff the shrooms in a hole in their live rock or wedge it between two pieces of rock and it works the first time. If someone has a lot of live rock in their tank it can be very easy for the shroom to float away again and get lost in the rock work. I am sure there are several ways to accomplish the end goal. This is what I have found to be easy and works best for me.
I read some where to be sure and wait atleast a month before you take them out. To make sure they attach.
I have a CD spindle container, the 50 CD type sitting in my sump. What it does is create a zero flow area in the sump (which is lit) and I can put some rubble down there and let any unattached ricordia I buy sit in there until it sticks to a piece of rock. Put sand in first though or the mushroom might choose to stick to the bottom of the container rather than the rock.
In my prop system I have a 20g that has a crushed coral substrate. I just toss them in there. It takes about 10 days for the mushrooms to attach. Then you can glue the crushed coralpart to the rock of your choice. I tried several methods this works the best for me.
My 40 breeder functions the same way. It has a very shallow bed of puka shell. My giant blue mushroom rock shoots polyps off like crazy. I have to continuously gather them up so they do start attaching to some of my zoa colonies and frags.