Must have Meds????

Dave VG

New member
What meds do you keep on hand and allways stocked for new zoas and for overall Zoa health long term.
Is there anything other than furan-2 that works for zoa pox? What is furan-2 made up of exactly?
What about PimaFix?
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;17tanan700585 said:
ReVive Coral Cleaner
Lugol's Iodine
Vit-C (sodium ascorbate)
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)

tanan what is each one used for? I'm going today to buy some stuff and none of the local lfs have the furan-2
any local Walgreens, CVS or drugstore...basic iodine about $2 a bottle. I also keep revive on hand as well. good luck and happy reefing
I keep Flat Worm Exit for dipping all new frags/colonies in.
I keep Lugols and ReVive for general dips for unspecified maladies.
Furan for zoa pox.
I have also keep hyrogen peroxide around, just cuz.
I keep Flat Worm Exit for dipping all new frags/colonies in.
I keep Lugols and ReVive for general dips for unspecified maladies.
Furan for zoa pox.
I have also keep hyrogen peroxide around, just cuz.

I keep the same. FWE for nudis, revive for others and furan for zoa pox. Tweezers, a tooth brush and Q-tips are also really helpfull to have around as well. They might not be meds but I have found them indespensible at this point.
I keep Revive on hand for any new arrivals it will kill MOST things you dont want in your tank. I also keep vitamin C and dose it once a week it seems to help with polyp extension and overall health but thats just me. Furan 2 for the rare case of a zoa pox out break but its better safe than sorry.