My 10 Gallon Freshwater


New member

( I am not sure if I can put pics of Freshwater Tanks but I thought I'd try
If needed to be deleted by MOD it's okie it wont hurt my feelings lol)

I just wanted to share a few pics of the Freshwater tank, it's been a long time since I last had one lol .. 2 of my guppies are actually pregnant, so this will be a little interesting :fish2: Enjoy


My preggy female guppy

my Kermit the grey frog lol

Albino Cory Cat Fish

My Neon Tetra's ..
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Where's the diver with the bubbles coming out of his helmet???? Or did you opt for the opening Treasure chest???
why can't saltwater be that cheap...haha

yeah I used to think a fully equiped planted tank with co2 and such was too expensive to do... now I think I could set up a whole room with nicely planted fw tanks using the same that I put into my 50 reef!