Well... the 21 day treatment of Fluconazole completely eradicated my green hair algae (which was quite honestly more greenish brown looking than your typical GHA). However, I did have a nice spike in nitrates and phosphates which I believe led to multiple SPS frags recessing and completely dying on me. I'll be honest, I did not test my water params multiple times through the 21 day treatment... I just tested in the beginning and in the end. Alk increase from 8.2 to 9dkh, nitrates increased from 2ppm to 12-15ppm, and phosphate from .02 increasing to .2 ... Definitely bums me out when things like the stellar stylo, strawberry shortcake, hawkins echinata, and red planet go out the window after a solid 4-6 months of growth. I did learn a lesson in all of this, and that is "achieving the right balance." Every tank is different depending on coral and fish load but I have found that I was contributing to the nutrient load and have since cut it back with reducing the light period by an hour, a slightly "wetter" skim, a slightly ramped up flow pattern and less feeding for both the fishes and coral. I found reefroids to bring out a great feeding response in my coral but twice a week was too much in my opinion and have since cut it back to one broadcast feeding a week, sometimes skipping a week. Things are looking much better overall and starting to balance back out, so all is well. I am just going to monitor my alk/ca/mg levels over the coming weeks and source a bunch of new SPS frags from some awesome local reefers in the near future. At least I can keep my jawbreakers alive! Momma JB had three babies and the addiction is real.
Happy Reefing-