My 150 Gallon Build


Flucanazole and it's affect on my GHA. Top pic is day 1 of treatment. Bottom pic is day 13. So far I'm thoroughly impressed with the results. Some SPS getting mad at the higher nitrates and phosphates but I'll bring them back around. Stay tuned-

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Day 20 of Flucanazole treatment. 30% water change and carbon/GFO back online. So happy my tank is algae free again!

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Looking great Blink. I really wish I had GHA or something as opposed to bubble so I could go with this or peroxide to easily treat. Bubble just doesn't respond to peroxide the same way....
Well... the 21 day treatment of Fluconazole completely eradicated my green hair algae (which was quite honestly more greenish brown looking than your typical GHA). However, I did have a nice spike in nitrates and phosphates which I believe led to multiple SPS frags recessing and completely dying on me. I'll be honest, I did not test my water params multiple times through the 21 day treatment... I just tested in the beginning and in the end. Alk increase from 8.2 to 9dkh, nitrates increased from 2ppm to 12-15ppm, and phosphate from .02 increasing to .2 ... Definitely bums me out when things like the stellar stylo, strawberry shortcake, hawkins echinata, and red planet go out the window after a solid 4-6 months of growth. I did learn a lesson in all of this, and that is "achieving the right balance." Every tank is different depending on coral and fish load but I have found that I was contributing to the nutrient load and have since cut it back with reducing the light period by an hour, a slightly "wetter" skim, a slightly ramped up flow pattern and less feeding for both the fishes and coral. I found reefroids to bring out a great feeding response in my coral but twice a week was too much in my opinion and have since cut it back to one broadcast feeding a week, sometimes skipping a week. Things are looking much better overall and starting to balance back out, so all is well. I am just going to monitor my alk/ca/mg levels over the coming weeks and source a bunch of new SPS frags from some awesome local reefers in the near future. At least I can keep my jawbreakers alive! Momma JB had three babies and the addiction is real.

Happy Reefing-
I don't remember reading it, but why did you go with a basement refugium/sump vs. one beneath the tank? I've been planning for a 400G tank in the forever home (yet to be built) and considered this, but after doing the math on the return pump electricity cost, I figured it was too cost prohibitive. Like the tank though.

A seperate fish room is the best. No noise of equipment and way more room to work on things in the sump. You are not confined by size of stand either.

A decent return pump really is only adding a few bucks in power bill a month

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Awesome build. This is my dream tank but I'm thinking I'm going to style on a miracle 100g rimless someone is selling close by with ati fixture. What bulb combo are you running?
I settled on the basement sump since a) I was re-doing my floors and had the clean opportunity to plumb straight down below the tank into an unfinished basement. b) I have an unfinished basement that is only used to store things (ultimately I hope to finish it out and I will turn the entire sump station/water changing station into a "fish-room." c) the ease of maintenance, cleaning the sump at my height without having to get on my knees, water changes, etc. is unsurpassed. Honestly since I went straight down from the display, the head pressure is not that bad at all and my blueline 100HD return pump is a little too much for what is really needed (I have it dialed back quite a bit...). I have considered purchasing a new return pump in the near future, allowing the blueline to be the back-up. There are many pumps out there now that are more energy efficient and such.

This tank was truly set-up with low-maintenance and ease of maintenance being a top priority. :thumbsup:
@zoahoarder - Thank you! I am currently running a 6 bulb ATI fixture with 3 B+ and 3 C+ bulbs and supplementing with a 48" reefbrite XHO strip. I realize I haven't updated this thread in quite a while... I will work on posting a big update, as the tank has definitely been through some ups and downs.
No, just the top. I've seen some rimless w/ no eurobrace 150 gallon custom tanks from SCAquariums being made that look really nice too! Higher price tag though [emoji1303]

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Here is a custom SC-150 rimless THAT'S SET UP FOR A 20'' Synergy External Overflow box.
@zoahoarder - Thank you! I am currently running a 6 bulb ATI fixture with 3 B+ and 3 C+ bulbs and supplementing with a 48" reefbrite XHO strip. I realize I haven't updated this thread in quite a while... I will work on posting a big update, as the tank has definitely been through some ups and downs.

Thanks. How well do you like the reef brites? I'm guessing if you want the blue look it's really your only option. Do you have one or two?
I'm using a 4' 6-bulb (ATI) 54w each fixture and 2 all blue XHO 48" Reef Brites. The Reef Brites are awesome lights. All of my lights are 12" above the water line. I have the Reef Brites ramp up to 100% by noon to 5pm and then ramp back down. So 100% for 5 hours max. My corals seem to have really responded well to them. My T5 bulbs are 4 Blue +, 1 Coral +, and 1 Purple+.
I'm using a 4' 6-bulb (ATI) 54w each fixture and 2 all blue XHO 48" Reef Brites. The Reef Brites are awesome lights. All of my lights are 12" above the water line. I have the Reef Brites ramp up to 100% by noon to 5pm and then ramp back down. So 100% for 5 hours max. My corals seem to have really responded well to them. My T5 bulbs are 4 Blue +, 1 Coral +, and 1 Purple+.

Thanks. That's probably what I'm going to be doing as well. Maybe only 1 reef brite in the front since that's where most of the coral will be.
Thanks. That's probably what I'm going to be doing as well. Maybe only 1 reef brite in the front since that's where most of the coral will be.

My tank is 24 inches deep and then I have the lights 12 inches high and the tank is well lit like that. I think one would do it for you and maybe down the road you could add another if you wanted to. I have one on the front and one on the back... basically on each side of the T5 fixture.