My 17 gallon


New member
Hey everyone,

I wanted to start a thread on my tank. I'm pretty excited to be back in the hobby. I started the tank on Feb 14th of this year.

Lighting is a 16" Sunpod w/ a 70W 14k bulb and an Ecoxotic Panorama 12 watt Blue LED. I added the LED because it adds the dusk dawn effect and gives it that actinic pop.

There is a 1 to 2 inch sandbed. I used aragonite sand and I have around 20 lbs of liverock. I used rock from my old setup except for the couple pieces of Tonga on top. I bought those to seed the tank.

I use a Koralia 1 and an MJ1200 for circulation.

Filtration consists of a sponge and a bag of purigen and carbon in the overflow. Then assorted macro algae and a pile of rubble rock. I also use a modified Seaclone skimmer on this tank. I bought it way back when, when I didn't know any better.

The pictures are pretty blue but it's really not this blue in person. I need to get better at using my camera or get a better camera.

I tried to aquascape the tank so it could be viewed from two sides. This view is from the sofa:

This view is from the love seat:

I would love to get some feedback and comments. What do you guys think so far?

Looks good so far. It will be interesting to see where you go as far as stocking the tank.
I would have no luck in setting up a tank that small. I would have it overstocked in about 30 min....LOL
It will be a lot different. When I had my 90 running I had a toadstool leather that wouldn't have fit in this tank .

On Friday I got a package from IPSF called the nano grazers pack. I have zoanthids in the tank and an Acan frag. I haven't been able to get a decent shot of the acan. The zoanthid frag was brown when I got them. I got them from that $2 dollar frag sale at Something Fishy.

nice aquascaping looks good. im interested........does something fishy always have those $2 frags and have you had luck with them in the past. good luck:rollface:
I don't think they always have the 2 dollar frag sales. They normally advertise it on their website. But they do always have frags for $10 to $20 bucks in a few tanks. I grabbed the zoanthids just to see how they would do after the tank had only been set up for a few days. They turned out to be a decent find.
Some updated pics of the tank:

xenia and sexy shrimp:

Green Star Polyps:



Full Tank:
that gsp can take over a small tank quickly. i'd decide how much you love it and go from there. otherwise tank loos awesome. love the aquascape and corals
Brickyardgreg: I agree completely. The main reason for getting the GSP was to try and get it to start growing on that far wall that it's next to.. then it's getting dropped onto the sand bed or removed from the tank. I'm keeping a close eye on it to see which way it starts to spread.
So I'm still in this game. I still have the 17 gallon nano running. Here's a link to youtube with a small video of it.

I haven't done much except let it go for the past few months.

I do have some strombus snails if anyone is interested in trading. 5 snails for a frag of something. The snails will breed in the tank. I also have a few red mushrooms I can trade as well.

Hope everyone has been doing well!!
