My 180 gallon tank and its inhabitants.


New member
This tank is fairly new and my recent upgrade from my 75 gal tank. Been up and running for a little over a month now. I love this aquarium, hands down best furniture in my home. I wish i had a better location for it but unfortunately i do not it has a central overflow and i had to have it against a wall, wanted it to be a peninsula tank but it swallowed my living room. Im working on getting better lighting, i currently have a 48" nova extreme single bulb t5 light and im gonna get 2 AI sol blue units to get me started, see how wide of a spread i get. Along with 2 mp40's to increase my flow the 2 koralia 1400's i have aren't cuttin it, And I'm in the works of building my 55 gal fuge to contain a reef octopus NWB 200 skimmer.
But here are some pics of my build so far. let me know what you think!

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My new kenya tree coral, has been in my system around 20 hours has yet to open up though.
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I love the tank and its inhabitants.

How do you like the bluehead wrasse? It's a very underappreciated fish IMO, I have one and he's gorgeous. Just don't tell the hermit crabs that (not that they would be around long enough to care anyways). Any problems between him and your bird wrasse? I'm thinking about adding a bird wrasse to my system.

How does the clown tang get along with the other tangs? Also thinking about adding one to my tank with my 2 yellows, my sailfin, my bariene(?) and my future powder blue.
I love the tank and its inhabitants.

How do you like the bluehead wrasse? It's a very underappreciated fish IMO, I have one and he's gorgeous. Just don't tell the hermit crabs that (not that they would be around long enough to care anyways). Any problems between him and your bird wrasse? I'm thinking about adding a bird wrasse to my system.

How does the clown tang get along with the other tangs? Also thinking about adding one to my tank with my 2 yellows, my sailfin, my bariene(?) and my future powder blue.

Thanks i really appreciate it! I really like the blue headed wrasse, he's got a lot of character. amazing color and he's my Girlfriends favorite fish. I haven't had any problems with him picking on hermit crabs actually, or the bird wrasse for that matter. They get along really well actually, i also have a green wrasse and they all coexist. My clown tang is my favorite fish hands down, he's also my newest fish and he's been in two weeks and for about a week there were some disputes but that all stopped and they all kind of act like the others aren't even around. I don't know if I'm just lucky or what but i guess whatever I'm doing is working and I'm gonna try and keep it up.

(btw Whats a bariene?)
a bariene is a type of tang. That is what it was labeled as at the store, but when I posted it on here, nobody could decide what it was. There are a bunch of acanthurus species that are incredibly similar as juvies (Bariene, dussimieri, etc.)
BTW, I'm subscribing to this thread :)

Your tank seems to be really open with lots of sandbed areas. Have you looked into a high hat drum? I really love mine, he also does a great job keeping the sand stirred. Also, I think your tank would look great with some red. Look at a flame angel or some lyretail anthias.
Im looking at adding more live rock in the future but not in a huge hurry. And I've been contemplating adding a trio of purple queen anthias, Not super sure though. Hopefully getting a new light this week some time its an aquatic life 12 bulb t5ho fixture. Any experience with this fixture?

And thanks a lot its been a long road but its coming together rarely well.