My 180G AGA


Active member
Just introducing my 180 here :)







I do have one question, I'm to the point I want my corals to grow and even do they are growing fine now with the Phoenix 250W I wonder if there is another bulb outhere I could use. I was looking for the EVC 10K DE 250W, based on Sanjay's page (the most par with my PFO HQI ballast) but can't find them anywhere. Any other bulbs I could try? I don't care about color right now, I just want growth.
I've had the best growth with XM (XDE) 10kks if you had some SE sockets to use, Iwasaki 6500ks do excellent for growth but the yellow color isn't very pleasing on a display tank.

are those rotators on your Streams??
Thanks, I am looking for the DE bulbs with the most PAR regardless of color. The Tunze's are mounted on Sea Swirls which are only used for movement :)
It is actually an enclosed plenum, I did not want 6" of sand in front and sides of the tank. Here is a picture of it.

Nice tank. I, for one, love the way you have your reef structure higher than the sandbed. I think it would look even better with some rock rubble covering up the sight of the ledge.

Once again, nice tank.
Thank you, I thought about adding some rock around the edges but the tunzes keep moving the sand around and I'm not sure if the rocks will sit still. I guess I would have to try it, I did however add some green start polyps to the edge and its spreading quickly, and it should be easy to remove/propagate.