My 1st 180 RR Project, Cust Built stand/canopy Tunzes etc..

Hey Paul, Yeah Im going to be alittle nervus about it also...As far as the skimmer goes if I cant find a good deal on a used one than ill buy the new ASM G4+.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7479655#post7479655 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pmike25
Hey guys and gals, I have a question after taking this canopy off, this thing weights Id have to say about 50 to 60 lbs and than the lights and fixture have to weight about 40-50lbs, is that going to be a problem on top of this tank?? If it is I can just add a cable to each side of the canopy and find a beam in the ceiling and support it that way, Please let me know what ya thoughts are on this!!!!! Thanks

from my exp. with a 55 and a wood deal I built:

My new rig will put the weight on a framework behind the stand.

a tank *can* hold a heavy canopy but I'd rather keep that to a minimum.

as long as the canopy rests square / plumb and does not put extra weight on one spot.

build a "shelf" behind and above and put balast and electric gear up there, then just make the canopy tall and hide it.
then make end panels and front panels that come away from a frame.

if the frame is light weight and only holds the "shell" around the top of the tank then you can attach the lights to the wall / celing and have only say 10-20 bls on the tank.

and that gives room to hide fans and other gear up top.
also the way you have built the base you could build 4 "columns" to help with the load if you wanted to.

but I like the idea of using the wall to hold a frame just above the tank. then attach panels to the frame and hang lights.
then vent hot air up with fans and to cool the tank.
Ill see if I can work that into the design, thats a good idea about supporting it to a wall, Ill see what I can do.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7482337#post7482337 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pmike25
Ill see if I can work that into the design, thats a good idea about supporting it to a wall, Ill see what I can do.

what I have been "toying with" on my plans is to make a stand that acts kind of like a cantilever.

so that the back of my frame holds up the top with the lights.
in my case that makes my base and tank come out from the wall more.

what I am thinking of thoug is to use that space behind and above the tank to hold wiring, switches etc....
for example a closed loop -- the pipes and pump.
or any other things I want to stick into the tank from behind or above.

and have it all hidden.

in fact the top could go way up near the celing of the room and make it look like a built-in but would just be a big empty box thats open at the top.

lot's of room then to hang lights and adjust height :D

just more variations on the idea....

PS: also a large open top gives another plus -- heat can go up.
my current canopy is a closed finished top.
big mistake! holds heat and then tends to radiate the heat into the tank. so keep that in mind also.
look at say Radioshack 4 inch muffin fans that run on a 12 volt dc power ... about 60-100 cfm air flow.
you can get a low cost transfomer and wire it up to several of the fans.... or get 2 or 3 tran pairs of transformers and fans if you are worried about how to run them on one.

then you can attach them in the works two ways:

1) blow fresh air accross the top to cool the water.
2) put some above the lights to draw air up and out the top of the canopy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7482799#post7482799 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by figuerres

1) blow fresh air accross the top to cool the water.
2) put some above the lights to draw air up and out the top of the canopy.

Those two things I am planning on doing, thanks for the Radio Shack Idea I was going to buy fans from an online fish store and probally pay 3x more!!

You got some good ideas with your stand/canopy!!!!

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Thanks, btw the Shack is probably *NOT* the cheapest just the easyest to locate.

you may want to search for computer parts on the net.

the common case fans are 4 inch muffin fans, they run on 12 Volts DC go look at a pc fan with the power connector.

the two leads are the 12 vdc lines.

for example

4.95 each

and there are many others.

some ofthe ones sold to computer moders have a thermal sensor built in that will vary the rpm's based on temp.

in general a larger fan at a lower rpm is going to make less noise than the same fan at a hier rpm.

also you may find some 5 to 8 inch fans if you look

also be sure to get any wiring well sealed so that no water or salt get in... :)
OK cool, yeah Ill make sure there sealed, also thanks for those links you provided! A friend of mine just got my sump/fuge glass pieces siliconed in place. The fuge is on the right side and the return is in the middle and the skimmer will be on left...Heres some pics.....


Wood filling and sanding is complete!! Thank god...
Got the 1st coat of stain on it, heres what it looks like so far........


wow that looks very nice. your comming along quite well.

as for my reason for not having my tank done yet, well the wife got stuck in the hospital for 2 weeks. so those bills come first:p
Sam- wow sorry to hear that. I hope shes ok. Thanks for the compliments, hope things are ok with your wife...
Thats good to hear that shes ok !! Im just getting to the expensive part! IE. pumps, Tunze's, Rock, Sand etc...
WOW, that is beautiful. Just caught up with this thread, I dont know why its not on the first page. Thats nice. What size tank is that fuge?
WOW, that is beautiful. Just caught up with this thread, I dont know why its not on the first page. Thats nice. What size tank is that fuge?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7492436#post7492436 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pmike25
Thats good to hear that shes ok !! Im just getting to the expensive part! IE. pumps, Tunze's, Rock, Sand etc...

yep those are the spendy parts of tank building:p all i have left for mine is a internal overflow box, lights, and a pump for my closed loop, and some more rock. not to many things but the spendy

i thought you were gonna go with a closed loop rather than powerheads? i may be wrong, but let me know how you like those tunze's. right now i am using seio's as i can't afford the tunze's but so far i like them. however tunze's are much better as a few club members have them in their tanks.
Don Lino - Thanks for the compliments, The sump/fuge tank is a 75 gallon tank. The tank is getting there slowely but sherly!!

Sam- I was going to do closed loop until I was introduced to the Tunze's. Ive read about them and they seem to be the way to go for me. I know I can get away with some Seio's also but I like the fact that the Tunze's are controllable. I also know that the Seios are just comming out with a electronic controller also, but its not on the market yet, Ive heard in a couple of weeks they will be, not sure on the price of them but they cut flow from 30% to 100%. If they come out with that sooner than maybe ill try it, but ill probally just stick with the Tunzes,

The next thing on my list is the ext. return pump than plumbing, but in the middle of all that im going to start building my electrical panel......

Heres some pics of it without the paper on it, I still have to urethane it still, And yes I know I got stain on the wall!!!! I am going to paint it another color, something that will compliment the tank good, just not sure what color yet, since I do painting and such I have a million colors in the garage!!........

mike I just caught up and I have to say you are doing an awesome job and it looks incredible.
something I am wondering about is you plumbing. the bulkheads you have look like they will accept a hose and a small one at that. when you were here we talked about the dart and the snapper pump and I don't think those bulkheads will quietly flow enough water. who wants a big pump they have to valve down? the pvc for the top of the tank looks like 3/4 and will cause alot oh head pressure and wasted energy and diminished flow. in a duct system you want to keep velocity up so you start with a large duct then run some feet and you take off a couple runs and then reduce the duct size a little to keep the velocity up and take a few more runs off and then reduce the duct again all the way down the line. if there is only a long run you would go so many feet and reduce and so many more feet and reduce until you get to the end. this is because of friction loss but you want to make sure you don't cause alot of extra friction too fast. the way yours looks it will have nothing left at the end of your runs.
as far as live rock I would suggest getting it locally at fish and other ichthy stuff or finz of tampa. the gulf rock to me is like jamie said. I like a cleaner look than it comes. the shapes also seem better from the pacific and lighter therefor costing less/volume. more holes for small fish and things to play in. these stores normally have larger pieces in stock. these will probably be your best stores for livestock along with a couple others I can give you once you get water in it. I would probably also buy the sand after your tank has been running a few weeks. that way you can finish curing the rock in your tank without fouling the sand.
there's something else I wanted to say but can't remember I know it was 2 pages back so I will go find it.
later really looks awesome,
Thanks alot Rob, appericate the positive feedback, I still really really LIKE the way ya tanks looks when I was there last night.

OK welp I got started on the elect. panel. I am going to sand it nice and stain it the same color of the stand/canopy than seal it. And than trim out the actual switch box for a nice clean look. I think Im going to locate it into the stand but I have to wait till the plumbing and sump/fuge and everything else is in there before. I havent gotten to seal the canopy yet because I had Jury Duty today :( . Nothing worse than HAVING to go to that and wait 7 hours for NOTHING :mad2: Not to mention loosing a day of work with the pay I get :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: Anyways im getting over that now!!!

Heres some pics of the panel as of now, my back is killing me so im taking a break......


OK done with the electrical panel, well at least hooking all the wires up. Hope this might help someone out if there looking to make one, its very easy.....

