my 24g for Nano sale....this weekend.


New member
I have a Nano 24g that I need to move as I am moving to a new place. I also need to move a 90g...the 90g will be enough work as is.
Many have seen my nano in person or in pics (theres a thread around here somewhere about it)
I will try to post recent pics tonight as I have added a few corals and moved things around. But it's still basically the same.

I really do not want to move 2 tanks...

So the nano is for sale as is for $450 cash no trades...
With as is I mean nano tank, light fixture, ALL Corals, Remora skimmer, uv, all pumps, LR and fish/critters.
MUST be picked up this weekend....I get the keys to the new place Monday. If it's not sold then I wil have no choice but to break it down and move it.
No parting out as that would just be like breaking down the tank and moving.

You come with buckets and cash and it's yours!

Call me at seven eight six, two six zero, nine nine seven six.
Well I am getting the 90g with EVERYTHING...I mean EVERYTHING for free from why not?
Here are pics of the tank taken tonight...


Jess the light is not a sunpod...
It's a Current USA Outer Orbit Fixture, 1x150W HQI Metal Halide & 2X65W Compact Fluorescents, 24 inch
Hey Jess...If I end up keeping it, as no one is intetrested ...I'm guessing...
We could work out a trade for the fixture as I will be putting on the nano hood with the 150w HQI light upgrade, thats just sitting in my closet.
Thanks sean...

Jess the 90 is at Armando's house...I never brought it here due to that would have just been 2 moves instead of one. I want to move it from Armando's to my new home that way it's one move for the next 2-3years.

ps...I am blessed as my wife loves the tanks and really does not care if I have 1 or 3. She loves the way they look, and she knows that she does not have to to any work on them!!!
it would be easy to first move into the new place, move the 24. then move the 90, bahta boom bahta bing