Well just got my long awaited 'Black Tang" really nice fish! acclimation went well, he is eating well. My achilles was not happy at all about the new guy, gave him hell until I decided to pull out the fish trap.....
I always feed my fish with the fish for the last 3 month, they are trained that way, the minute they see the fish trap they fight to get in and get the food. Hihihi So being trained like the minute they see that I pulled out the first trap the achille went directly in the fish trap to get food, sad to say but this time I closed the door and left him there for 10 minutes, and then let him out, after that closed the light for an hour, and all was good after, the achilles seem to leave the black tang alone now, will see tomorrow. Will try to post a picture of him.
Next fish on the list is the Goldflake Angel... let the search begin!