my 32 gallon M-tank seahorses

here you go, this is his tank:

I think it looks really nice.. except it has alot of flow... and the open brain coral
Well I have no idea where you found that picture... but the tank looks nice.

Lots of hitching posts snd a simple layout. Good job!
One of the bast SH tanks I have seen. It looks very well kept and clean.

i am guessing that the " anemone" looking thing is probably a hammer. ( I hope!!)

I would also be careful with the open could possibly grab a hold of a SH with its sweeper tentacles
swims withthe fishes-It is torch coral
cj_basser- the Brain is now in the Butterfly tank and is being enjoyed by all- thanks
I decided to get another M tank to devote to corals and keep this one just for the horses. Thanks everyone.
I must agree... a very clean tank!

I like your gorgs also. Do you feed them anything? I was gonna get some but I do not feel like feeding phyto... and I heard they like that.