My 6206 is not making waves! Roger help please!


Active member
Hello Roger.

I ordered my wave box perhaps two months ago and I finally put it to use today. I have a 150 that is the standard 72" long and I have overflows in each corner. I have the wm placed on the left side of my right overflow when facing the tank. I have played with the adjustment setting and I can't get the wm to produce much of a wave. I am running the wm independent of my multi-controller. What do I need to do? Thanks in advance...
It has to be all the way in the corner of the tank and on such a long tank it will likely need to face down the length of the tank to work. You probably need to place it in front of the overflow box or in the front corner. It does take a while to tune a wave, you need to very slowly turn the knob clockwise to find the correct frequency. Also, make sure the power supply for the pump is at the full 24V. It can take a couple hours to tune it properly, the smallest increment makes a difference.
Roger the wavebox is in the corner of the tank in front of the overflow. However I did not adjust it to 24v. it is on 12v. Let me make that adjustment and see what happens. Thanks for the quick response..
Roger I adjusted the output to 24v which dramatically changed things. However I have alot of disruption on my surface but my wave isn't defined. The top of my wave box is right at the water surface because I had an air sucking noise.
It just comes down to tuning it, each tank has one frequency that will create a wave and you will need to turn the knob on the controller a hair width every few seconds until you find the frequency. On a 6ft tank I expect it will be somewhere between 12 and 3 o clock.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15198069#post15198069 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
It just comes down to tuning it, each tank has one frequency that will create a wave and you will need to turn the knob on the controller a hair width every few seconds until you find the frequency. On a 6ft tank I expect it will be somewhere between 12 and 3 o clock.

Roger is it possible for my freq to be a t the 12 o'clock position? When it was there I had wave action but wasn't consistant and I didn't think the wm was made to be turned off and on so quickly.
Yes, it is possible, it will be turning off and on very fast. When you are close you get a wave that is uneven, when the height is always the same you have hit the optimum.