My Acro Nursery


New member
I thought id share the evolution of my acro nursery. Started collecting 1 inch frags in February and continues to this day; although im running out of room and need to start selling some of my own. There are about 70+ pieces you see in the final photos.

The system is a mess. Wires everywhere. It may not look pretty, but its all there. You can see for yourself here.

The actual main nursery is a 90 gal with two 40 gal attached. One I use for a refugium and the other for frags that I make from the mothers. All the mother colonies are intended for my eventual 300 gallon display that isnt even built yet.

The system is a hybrid that uses Zeo/KZ supplements, a refugium, double chamber calcium reactor, vodka/vinegar, strong skimming and kalk for top-off. I use GAC passively in the sump, but no longer run GFO... and a lot of live rock with bare bottom. Lighting is a 250DE 14K cheap generic knockoff brand that probably cost $20 I bought off Amazon with 4x24watt T5 actinic. 5% water change weekly with Red Sea Pro.

Alk - 7
NO3 - .22
PO4 - .01
Ca - 400
Pot - 300 (Its low, im targeting 400 slowly)
Mg - 1380
PH - 8.2 to 8.4
Temp - 77 to 78
SG - 1.026


to this in about 5 months.
Well if you were in LA, i do have some pieces including a plate size monti thats looking for a new home. Just get them out of here! I have a big order coming from BattleCorals next week.

Also im including this photo to show that things were not always smooth. It got ugly, before i turned the corner.
Sure like to have all my old sps corals back.....loved my Hawkins colony. Got out in 2010, just got back into it 5 months ago.
Give me some more time and Ill have some nice pieces for you. I remember your frags were some of the nicer pieces I bought. Unfortunately that tank crashed during a move. I lost everything and stopped for a year as well.
Not ready to post in the SPS forum... hiding here technically still being propagated.
Not sure what this is, but its nice.

Shades of Fall
O man you have some nice ones. An Oregon tort is always a nice one to show off, you have one of those?
I think you need a display tank hooked to that system!
recent pic

recent pic

Here's a shot of mine. Not nearly what I used to have! Not yet anyways. .


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I dont have to tell you... Raising sps is a long marathon. And the learning curve is steep. Cant make short cuts. Im hoping I can get my dream tank built before these frags out grow the nursery. I put a moratorium on purchases after receiving my last order from BC. If it isnt built, i might be open for business early.
I do have an Oregon tort, its just not to my liking yet. Its been dormant since I got it 6 months ago. Started to recede some then it stopped. Hasnt grown much at all if any. Noticed that some frags just will sit there until they are ready to sprout; and when they do, they grow fast. Maybe for some it just takes time to acclimate or time for your water to hit the goldilock zone. Like this Pearlberry i bought 7 months ago. Didnt do anything for the longest time, was dull and brown. I started to think it wasnt what I purchased. Then suddenly started to show its Pearl two month ago; and its been growing fast since.

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