My Acro Nursery

In your opinion, is a cr better then dosing two part? Ive always wondered what would be better, the reactor or dosing 2 part.
Goldtorch... thanks for asking. Things are seriously out of control. Everything is mostly healthy, colorful and thriving. All my tanks are bursting with sps. I havent posted anything for months now because my tanks look sad. Cant see inside them. The corals grow over each other and into the glass. Cleaning has become a real pain as I cant do it without taking out most of the corals. Perhaps your inquiry will motivate me to do some scraping soon. For now ill leave you with this...


As far as a CR or two part, i have never used two part so I cant comment. But i will say that my dual chamber CR is a rock and I have no reason to change.
From the looks of things everything looks like it's growing nice and health while still getting good color I always love seeing your tank it's a huge inspiration for me
Thanks! Its unbelievable that all the corals you see came from mostly small 1 inch frags! Persistence, knowledge, patience, and essential hardware will get you there. If i didnt witness it myself i probably wouldnt believe it.
Ya I have had a nano 10 I have been running for about a year now some failures but my biggest success so far is growing my Aussie gold torch twice in size since I got it
Yes with such little water volume it is very unpredictable I test every three days with Red Sea test kits To make sure everything is in check
The corals grow over each other and into the glass. Cleaning has become a real pain as I cant do it without taking out most of the corals.

So why not remove the colonies, frag back to reasonable sizes and sell/trade/give away what you don't have room for ?

All it takes is time and the time it takes to be in this hobby is the one part of the reef equation that always increases.
Awesome looking frags. I'll have to contact you when I'm back in LA from my business travels. I'm rebuilding up my tank after grape caulerpa took over. It's great now and slowly acquiring some more SPS.
Reefvet - Im going to probably cut some frags soon. The problem is its at my work so I would need several undisturbed hours to cut and mount perhaps more than 100 frags. Maybe ill hire an assistant for free frags. And I find most people want them overnight shipped, which will require even more planning. But all in all good problem to have. I took a few photos today. By the way, I find that Milles are the most aggressive and deadly to other sps. Necrosis happens within hours and spreads quickly. I know this isnt the selling forum, but there will be some frags available soon.

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Thanks everyone!!! Amazing journey of ups and downs, but now things are routine and "easy." I am currently experiencing an outbreak of aptasia because i cant get to them anymore so tuesday I have an army of peppermint shrimp on their way.
An update...

Finally cleaned the 90. A pain to say the least. I used a 48x48x12 kiddie pool. Taking them out was easy, but placing them back in my 30x30 was challenging.




I knew I had aptasia, but these things are huge! I bought 50 peppermint shrimps months ago hoping they would eat them, but after cleaning i cant find a single one. Ill probably try a Copperband next.
Stunning tank!! You've got some spectacular colonies there! Let me know if you're ever selling any frags because those look amazing.
Thanks Reret. Ill probably post something in the SoCal forum soon and Ill let you know.

Yeah, after cleaning the 90 i see there are some colonies that need trimming. I have been crying about cutting frags for awhile now, but just havent gotten around to it. I dont know why... :rolleyes:

But cleaning the 90 has inspired me to clean its neglected little brother 40. I dont really put too much attention on the 40. Its been so dirty for so long that I forget whats in there. Anyways I took some top down shots today and there are some really nice legit corals in there. Some of the colonies are even bigger than the ones in the 90.


