My Acro Nursery

I look at it like this - we are recreating one of the most complex ecosystems on the planet, if not the most. There's an element of equipment, but also design. These aren't package deals and we all build them up and create a routine based off of advice and what we think might be best. SPS is the ultimate challenge and to see it grow and thrive is the absolute measure of success. IMHO.

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:beer: Cheers to that.
Hey Dennis. Glad to hear your corals are growing out of control. I wish i had the same skill. Of the dozen or so frags i purchased from you, maybe a few have grown a few branches in the last 3-4 months when others haven't budged a bit.

Goes to show i have alot to learn. lol. Not sure whether placement or water parameters have something to do with it but it can get frustrating.

I have tried the hands off approach but half the fun in trying to grow coral is tinkering with the tank.

The one good thing i have is the color but little growth. Someday i hope to have my coral trying to grow out of the water just like yours.
@swnoob - What i always say about SPS, as long as they are not dying, you have a chance. Growth comes next then finally colors. I find sps will also grow in spurts. I also have frags that are over two years old that have barely grown at all, while some others are on a slow STN fade for two years going.
I find myself in a precarious situation. Im not into my tank anymore. Im being neglectful as the challenge is gone. Im gonna take it down...
I find myself in a precarious situation. Im not into my tank anymore. Im being neglectful as the challenge is gone. Im gonna take it down...

No way! I say you take some time to think about it a bit more. Maybe frag some more or sell some colonies to purchase new frags and watch them grow.

I think we've all gotten to a point of almost wanting to quit but we stick around once we realize all the hard work it took us to get to that point.

Maybe change up one of your tanks to LED lighting and give that another shot. Buying new toys (equipment) for the reef keeps it interesting.

I hope it doesn't happen but if it does you'll have a long line wanting to purchase those frags or colonies including me.
As much as I just want to say you're having I bad morning etc, I know how frustrating it can get. This last Saturday my tank started leaking at the top. I told the wife only for her to launch into a tyrant about how much she hates the tank. So I'm also in a downer mode these days. Sorry to hear my friend.

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Thanks for the encouragement, but i decided. For those of you that have come by before contact me. I have something for you guys. I know its time to take a rest when I see STN and dont care.
If this is what you have to do to force a chop up and start over, I support it. ;) THe thread is worth it's weight in gold, I do hope to see you around again.
@Everyone on this thread - My originial plan was to set up a home tank, but that never happened. Ive always said that our tanks are and forever will be just temporary. Whether through our own doing or acts beyond our control, our tanks will come down someday. How many TOTM have come and gone? The legendary Steve Weast tank that jump started my journey many many years ago is but a memory today.

I never thought id get to here, but im not surprised by it. As I write this i feel a small sadness, but more liberated! Unlike a dog where we have an emotional attachment, corals are like plants. I want to share the wealth before they simply fade away. That would be a complete waste. My interests are turning to a different challenge... Sailing!
I find myself in a strange place and wanting to say something that may not come out as intended, if not please forgive me.
I am two years into my first SPS venture and just beginning to see some positive results. I want to cheer.
I stumbled across this thread two days ago and have finally finished reading it start to finish (don't judge, I also have an infant so everything takes longer than it should).
I feel as though I have just come to the end of my new favorite book; I feel like the end of the Lord of the Rings trilogy; I feel like I am losing a dear friend.
I am a farmer for a living. I grow things, watch them grow, harvest and sell them; I am comfortable with cycles. Yet I can understand and appreciate and respect your journey too.
We do not know each other and yet I feel a sadness at your decision.
If I were not on the east coast, I would be sitting in your office for a while, listening and talking and begging for a frag or two.
All best to you!
I find myself in a strange place and wanting to say something that may not come out as intended, if not please forgive me.
I am two years into my first SPS venture and just beginning to see some positive results. I want to cheer.
I stumbled across this thread two days ago and have finally finished reading it start to finish (don't judge, I also have an infant so everything takes longer than it should).
I feel as though I have just come to the end of my new favorite book; I feel like the end of the Lord of the Rings trilogy; I feel like I am losing a dear friend.
I am a farmer for a living. I grow things, watch them grow, harvest and sell them; I am comfortable with cycles. Yet I can understand and appreciate and respect your journey too.
We do not know each other and yet I feel a sadness at your decision.
If I were not on the east coast, I would be sitting in your office for a while, listening and talking and begging for a frag or two.
All best to you!

Great Post, well said.
@Gymped @ Nick - Thanks! The tank is located near downtown LA where i work. I live in Hollywood and do not have a tank at home. When we begin keeping reef tanks there is a natural progression toward SPS only tanks. But the transition is not easy. You develop habits keeping softies and lps' that are simply not appropriate for acros. I would see the TOTM compared to my sorry sticks and would be in almost disbelief that it was possible. How does my 6 month old 1 inch brown out with STN get to be that bright blue colony i see in the TOTM. Im doing everything right... Its impossible! You would read the same threads over and over... do this, try that, do not do that, you're fcuked, etc. I would always think to myself that I wished somebody would show me rather than tell me. Thats what I tried to do with this thread. It is indeed possible and dare I say easy. The tank is doing well. Humming along bursting with acros. If you look to the sides I have had to put shelves to hold mini colonies as there is simply no more floor space. Here is a photo taken just now.

Beautiful tank and amazing colors!
@Everyone on this thread - My originial plan was to set up a home tank, but that never happened. Ive always said that our tanks are and forever will be just temporary. Whether through our own doing or acts beyond our control, our tanks will come down someday. How many TOTM have come and gone? The legendary Steve Weast tank that jump started my journey many many years ago is but a memory today.

I never thought id get to here, but im not surprised by it. As I write this i feel a small sadness, but more liberated! Unlike a dog where we have an emotional attachment, corals are like plants. I want to share the wealth before they simply fade away. That would be a complete waste. My interests are turning to a different challenge... Sailing!

He took down the system and moved on from what he posted back in June and moved on to the hobby of sailing