My Beloved Hell-egance Coral.

Yes, thank you, anything that you think contributes to your success. Just looked up biodenitrator, sounds like an interesting alternative to DSB. Do you also dose your tank with anything? Can you tell me your nitrate, alk, calcium, temp? Thanks for sharing.

I 'dose' kalkwasser as my top-off. I use Reef Crystals salt so I'll usually add a little calcium to get the parameters up to tank levels. As last tested, those parameters were:

Temp: 79.7F
S.G.: 1.026. 35% ppt D&D Refractometer
p.H: 8.26
NO3: Below Detection (Salifert)
Alk: 9.3 dKH (Salifert)
CA: 410 ppm (Salifert)
Mg: 1490 ppm (Salifert) Occasionally maintained with BRS 2-part Mg.
PO4: 0.03 ppm Hanna Meter
ORP: 310 (Pinpoint)
Has it grown anymore? Like out of the tank & out into the hallway of your house? Just curious! LOL
