Yea never had luck with them in a full reef, they disappear.
Might be the flow because I guess they cant handle allot or maybe a fish ate them, who knows..
I have know some they have worked for and other not.
Glad it worked out for you...
This was my second attempt and I have spent $200 on berghia on two seperate purchases 11 months apart. (Total $400) I used what I learned from the first time for this round.
No doubt Berghia will eat aiptasia, it's just creating an environment where they can survive long term. My solution of creating a seperate system with just a heater and airpump created the ideal environment for them to survive. (No powerheads to chew them up, no overflows to be sucked into the sump, no fish to eat them). Since my main display was realativley young, I was able to transport aiptasia covered rock from the main to the berghia tank. I'd let them clean those rocks and I'd then swap out rocks
Addionally, before I placed a single berghia in the main, I placed at least 8 egg swirls into the main display. They did hatch and I had some survive as I did see a couple in the sump one day. The real solution was my 10g aiptasia grow out system that I had prepared for 5 months leading up to my purchase. That allowed me to have a succesful breeding of a minimum of 100 babies berghia. I had only placed egg swirls into that system and a month later the system was aiptasia free with too many to berghia to count. I started placing small pieces of aiptasia covered rock into that system for a night then moved those rocks to the main. Eventually, I had no more rocks to move. I manually moved at least 40 berghia from that system into the main, but have not idea how many were on the rocks that I swapped out.
Bottom line... Right now I have an aiptasia free (visually speaking) main display. I'm hoping the file fish and peppermint shrimp keep it that way. If not I won't ever spend $200 on purchase of berghia. I can get away with just 4 berghia, as long as I have the food supply ready for a generation or two.
Right now I have at least 1 egg swirl that was laid within 24 hours. If I had a system filled with baby bleached out aiptasia, i could easily have a 3rd generation, but I've run out of aiptasia :-(