My Biocube 29

JC Slater

New member
Whats going on forum. Ive had my biocube 29 up and running for about 16 months now. With the help of the plethora of good info on this site, Ive had pretty good luck with it. I never did start a build thread, I should have just for record keeping but owell better late than never!

Started off stock during the initial cycle. After that added the intank media basket and used chemipure elite and polyfilter pad. About month 6 I gutted out the hood and installed Steve's LED SPS led light kit. That went well, fairly easy to do. Shortly after that I added the cheato basket from intank with a LED light on the back. At about the year mark, I added the Aquatic Life 115 skimmer and was using it in the first chamber. Its the first skimmer I ever used, so as far as I knew, it worked ok. It would produce very green tea looking water, wasnt too thick though. But since adding the fuge basket, I never had a nitrate problem and always did weekly 5 gal water changes. A couple times when we had our babies, I'd go 4-5 weeks with out a water change and the system still was ok. Before adding the skimmer during one of those periods, after about 4 weeks I did start seeing cyano building up but only in the fuge basket. Had to throw out the cheato a couple times as it was just covered in thick cyano. For the first month or 2 I did run the fuge light 24x7 and I think that is what caused the cyano. I replaced the chemipure after replacing the chaeto ball and ran the light on 10 hour cycles and every week or so I would leave the light off for a few days. That seemed to do the trick and got rid of the cyano. Fast forward, added the skimmer and had another baby and went 5 weeks w/o a water change. But this time there wasnt any problems. Every week I would still test nitrates and they were never above 5 using API kit. Finally about week 6 nitrates up to 10 and noticed a spot of cyano on a rock so I finally did a water change and was back to normal.

As of now, the tank has a mix of SPS and LPS with a large toadstool and a bunch of zoas along with a now large rose bubble tip nem. All corals are growing well, SPS a little slow and my acros and mille browned out after a few weeks. I was tthinking high phosphates so I bought a hanna checker (accidently got the phosphates marine one) but always tested 0.0. Thought that couldnt be right. I had no nuisance micro algae though. Nitrates stay below 5 or so. I dose 2 part daily, Alk about 5ml and cal about 2-3 ml every other day. Parameters stay fairly consistent with Alk @ 8.5-9.2, Cal @ 400-440, Mag @ 1200-1300.

Ive got a pair of occy clowns, yellow watchman goby and his buddy the pistol shrimp, a valentini puffer, and a helfriechi firefish. Also have a cleaner shrimp and a coral banded shrimp along with a conch and sand sifting star (who I have had for about 6-7 months now) and about 5-6 nassarious snalls and 4-5 small hermit crabs. The sand stays white as its constantly moved around by the CUC and pistol.

About 2 weeks ago I did some heavy mods to the hood and rear chambers of the cube and added a CPR overflow as well as the eshopps nano cube refugium sump. That was a little imtimidating since there is very little on the web regarding adding a sump to a biocube but its working nicely. I moved the skimmer to it, as well as the chemipure elite and the chaeto ball. I put a small powerhead in the fuge compartment to keep the ball moving tumbling. So far doing a good job.

So enough rambling, we all just want to see pics! So here are a couple, came out really blue since I took these with my iPhone 7. Will have to bust out the Nikon DSLR at some point.

More/Better pics to come if anyone wants to see! Otherwise comments welcome! Thanks for looking!
Wow. I am soooooooo jealous. Love your tank !!!

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

Thanks Jenyphur! My wife says I put too much time in on it but I surely dont think so. lol Maybe alot of time gazing at it. lol

Im pretty happy with it. Got alot of rock in it Im going to take some out and put in the refugium with some sand and some seagrass type macro algae. I really wanted a display refugium. When I was a teen (way back in the day) I had a texas coastal bay area "flats" tank, I think it was a 55 gal. It was pretty much a cool looking refugium with sand, some sea grass and other macro algae along with whatever critters we would catch for bait and not use or caught with a sane (sp?) in the marine bio class I took. It was really cool, ran that tank for about 2 years.

I'll try and get some better pics this weekend.
Wow! I love what you have done with your biocube! Do you still have your hood on? I would love more in-depth pictures regarding your sump addition. I am thinking about adding a sump to my biocube, but I have no idea how to get it done without drilling or taking the hood off, and I don't really want to do either.
Wow! I love what you have done with your biocube! Do you still have your hood on? I would love more in-depth pictures regarding your sump addition. I am thinking about adding a sump to my biocube, but I have no idea how to get it done without drilling or taking the hood off, and I don't really want to do either.

Hey thanks! Yes, I am still using the hood. When looking at it, you cant tell I modified it unless you look down and at the back.

Basically what I did was:

take off the rear chamber cover door
I used a dremmel to to cut off the section of the rear part of the lid between the side lid connectors (for lack of better terms). This way I could sit the overflow level in the middle chamber.
I then cut off a portion of the top divider between chamber 1 and 2 to raise water level in chamber 2.

Here is a crappy pic I took:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_0063_zpsdlu8mdet.jpg"/></a>

Im using the supplied 3/4" flex tube from the overflow to the sump and then I have a rio 1000 (which I need to replace) using 1/2" flex tube from the pump to the stock return in chamber 3. It works fine but would like a little more flow.

I didnt want to drill either as the tank has been running for well over a year and my wife wouldnt let me buy a larger predrilled tank lol so I stuck with the biocube.

Hope that helps I can get more pics later on if you need them! There isnt anything online hardly that was helpful for this install so I just winged it haha. The plumbing lines are temporary as I plan out using PVC piping and I also want to have the drain go into the filter sock instead of the stock input on the sump. Maybe I'll tee that off or something.
