My Bubble Tip


New member
I just wanted to share a few pics on how big this bubble coral has grown. We have had this coral for about 4 months now, sorry abt the scratches on the tank , it's old lol


Very nice looking coral. I know all about the scratches, can be a bit frustrating when trying to get a good pic.
john you saw it last time it was here , it was in my 20 gallon at the time it got so big that butthd had to move it to the 90 gal.. we got it abt 4 months ago .. it has eaten some of my goby's from my 20 gal before when i had it there were thinking it did cause all of the sudden, my fishes were gone .. lol other than that now it hasnt eaten any livestock since it has room to grow ,, buthd feeds that thing silver sides and all kinds of stuff lol
Thats a great looking coral.Pam and I wanted one after seeing the one in the display tank at Memfish.
Im gonna let the tank mature a bit more though.But I cant wait to drop one of those in!!
that sucker ate 1, midas blenny , 1 sailfin tang , 1 yellow clown golby , 1 yasha golby , 2 anthenias , 1 mimic tang , 1 manderian , 1 tomato clown and 1 black clown golby
All I can say is, WOOOOWWWW!!!!! OMG! I love your tank .. everything is so full and big! lol ... yeah i expected it to be much bigger in a couple of months but i think she's still a keeper hehe .. Thanks for sharing that !!