My clown got stuck


New member
Got a call from my wife, not the call you want to hear: "There's something wrong with the tank". The female clown got sucked onto the intake grate of the closed loop and was stuck. After the power was stopped she swam away but has a bad mark on her side. Doesn't look too good. To top it off my royal gramma started to pick on her. I had my wife turn the lights off so they would leave her alone. seems to have worked for now.
Man, I hate those calls. unfortunately I get a lot of them. Good luck with your clown, they're usually tough little critters.
Thats weird, wonder how that happened? You usually don't see gramma's picking on anything! Do you have an anemone for her to hide in? If your wife doesn't like to see the clown get picked on, tell her if they were in the 210, it wouldn't happen, maybe then you can set it up!!!
That fish is in imidiate need of a large tank to rest in and get away from the others. You can tell your wife I said so. If you need help moving the 210 let me know. ;-)

I hope it makes it for ya. Perhaps it's time to relook at the plumbing for the intake line. Not sure how you have it set up, but perhaps a longer peice of pipe with lots of little holes drilled in it?
As much as I like DPS' answer......

Clown's are really resilient, when I put my tomoato clown in my tank, my puffer immediately took a huge grizzly chomp out of it's back, month's later, the puffer went carpet surfing and the clown is in great condition.

I have had more then one fish get caught in the intake of a power head, my last green spotted puffer (which unfortunately did not survive) and my new porcupine puffer (both face first, go figure, they looked just like angeliina jolie after a collagen injection).

I'd think that leaving the lights off to give the clown a chance to heal will help, and hopefully it learned it's leason from swimming too close to the PH.
i lost a few puffers and one clown like that... heck one time i put 3 green chromis in the tank and its 5 gallons and i never seen them since i put them in there and there is no way they could have got out cause the lid completly closes the top of the tank.. the 5 g tank is one of the ocean treasures collections and it only has a reptile filter in it.... go figure..
I had a royal gramma once. it was docile enough when it was young, but as it got several years old, it became more agressive. hope the clown does ok.
The clown is looks and is acting normal except for the large bruise on Her sides.

The royal is leaving her alone now.
YEARS ago and i mean years i had a cobra snakehead about two feet long and about inch and half or two round well i was living up in Delaware county at the time and i was down in Washington d.c. working for about week and my mom called with that statement my fish jumped out and i even had a brick on the lid well 3 days later i got home and it died i was very mad for a long time