My clownfish spawning video

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11824831#post11824831 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ghstrider
awesome video


Do you raise the fry? Also where did you get the pair?


Cool video, I have the same a black & wht clown and an orange and white. I wonder what colors they would come out??
Very cool! Thanks for sharing...
How do you prepare the tile before introducing it to the tank? Any special cleaning instructions or solutions that is reef safe?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11825460#post11825460 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
Do you raise the fry? Also where did you get the pair?

I'm trying to raise the fry....trying! From this last batch, I only have 3 fry that are now on day 6. However, my rotifers weren't quite ready when they hatched so hopefully everything will be ready when then the fry from the video hatch, probably Sunday night.

I bought the male and the female at different times (not as a pair) from Exotic Aquatic. I've had them for about 4 years now but they didn't start spawning until 2 months ago. Now they're spawning every 10-11 days!



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11825769#post11825769 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bernie21
Cool video, I have the same a black & wht clown and an orange and white. I wonder what colors they would come out??

I have posted that question on other forums and have received all kinds of answers, as you can imagine. So, I guess I'll have to wait and see what they turn out to be!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11825966#post11825966 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by d9sccr
how long did it take for them to spawn? do you know about how old they are?

I've had this pair for about 4 years and they started spawning 2 months ago. I bought them individually, not as a pair.

okay..i've had two for 1.5 yrs and they have exhibited signs. One is def the female now, but I don't know when, if ever, they will spawn. Does the black one still have orange on its lip? I've heard they lose this before they mate
spawning tile

spawning tile

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11826876#post11826876 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by WLDSHARK
...How do you prepare the tile before introducing it to the tank? Any special cleaning instructions or solutions that is reef safe?

The tile in the video was purchased at Home Depot, cleaned under tap water with a stiff bristle brush, and dried. I then put it in a tray of aquarium water to "season" it for about a day since it was pourous and a lot of little air bubbles came off of it when I put it in the tray. I did this so the bubbles wouldn't freak out the pair. After each hatch, I remove it, clean it under tap water with a brush and immediately put it back in the tank. The pair start their own cleaning ritual all over again.
