Finally got around to setting up my 75g. Filled it with RO this weekend and started circulating.
And man oh man is the drain <b>loud</b>. Not sucking topside, but a significant amount of bubbling in the sump. Once I get a heater going, it might make for a good jacuzzi!
The current drain setup looks like the pic on this thread. I am using the AGA MegaFlow kits that look <b>a lot</b> like Durso's.
So before my wife sets me and the tank out on the curb, any and all ideas are welcome!
- ted
And man oh man is the drain <b>loud</b>. Not sucking topside, but a significant amount of bubbling in the sump. Once I get a heater going, it might make for a good jacuzzi!
The current drain setup looks like the pic on this thread. I am using the AGA MegaFlow kits that look <b>a lot</b> like Durso's.
So before my wife sets me and the tank out on the curb, any and all ideas are welcome!
- ted