My Emerald crabs spawned.


New member
I was playing in the tank tonight while acclimating some zoa colonies, and I noticed my GSM clown and my Green Chromis acting strange.

The whole time tonight while I was floating these big, black bags that Big Al's is now using, they were both hiding scared together behind the Maroon's BTA.

All of a sudden it looked like they were both going crazy gulping at what I thought was micro-bubbles coming off one of my returns.
The head of the returns are partially out of water to make a natural siphonbreak so they sometime drop a few microbubbles, but I've never seen them pay any attention to bubbles before let alone act like a couple of Jack Russel terriers on crack.

Then I catch a puff of "bubbles" coming from one of the rocks that an Emerald is picking on.
With the next puff of "bubbles" I can see they're not coming from the rock at all, but from the crab, and there's another, bigger Emerald sitting behind the rock right beside the first one.
Then it all clicks into place, and I jump up to grab the camera.

Aaaargh! The camera's not on the tripod, it over at the computer, and the memory card is full and in a card reader, and the batteries are in the charger.
Crap. By the time I get everything together and back to the tank all the fun is over.
I just catch a glipse of a couple of hairy legs as they both go their separate ways off behind the rock. :mad:

Oh well, it would have been nice to share it, but I consider myself lucky to have been able to see it in the first place.
Since it was already over I turned off the tank lights to give whatever few eggs/larvae remained uneaten half a chance to escape the fish.

Anybody have any experience or info on Emeralds spawning?
That's awesome. Oh by the way, i think i'm going to try and stop in tomorrow for some of those frags if possible. let me know. I get out of work at 630pm
lol....I had almost the sma experience with my Coral Banded Shrimp. I saw the female picking at her abdomen one night
next to the night light. Then when I got closer I could see like
tiny seamonkies.....oh and the clown was in heaven.
At that time he was the only fish in there. Needless to say he had a feast.
That's great i had two orange turbo snails spawned about two months ago and for the last three weeks the family has been watching two tiny baby also orange snails growing very fast. Some day i want to setup a tank for a breeding pair of clown fish.
I caught my banded coral shrimp pair spawning one night at about 12:30 am. A funny noise in my tank attracted my attention (nothing to do with the shrimp) and when I got there I put the flashlight on and saw lots of tiny critters swimming around. The funny thing was that mama seemed to be the one who relished eating them the most!!!:eek1:
I've had hermits, emerald crabs and peppermint shrimp spawn at various times (always at night). The shrimp are very cool, tiny little transparent shrimp. Oh, and red sand worms, they crawl up the glass and release their goo into the water.