My expreince with Chelmon Rostratus / Copperband

Ted, how's the copper band? I have been working on this for over a month.

Eating pellets and brine/mysid. Goes wild for bloodworms.

Nice! The copperband is doing outstanding in the display tank. Chases food and has become one of the bigger pigs of the tank. As far as I can see - he loves the frozen mysis and something in the LRS reef frenzy.

My feeding routine:
Morning: 1/2 block of PE Mysis, 1/2 block of Bloodworms, around 1/2" square section of LRS Reef Frenzy
Afternoon: 12:00 and 2:30 PM Autofeeding of a mix of Dainichi Baby Sinking Pellets and Spectra Thera A
Evening: 1/2 block of Mysis, 1/2 block of Reef Cavier, 1/2" square section of LRS Feeding Frenzy
Every two days I feed a 1/4 sheet of Nori. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday I feed a tablespoon each of Reef Nutrition Live Phyto, Oyster Eggs and Rotifiers.

That's all shared with: 2 Ocellaris Clownfish, 2 Barrier reef Chromis, 1 Bangaii Cardinal, 1 Copperband Butterfly, 1 Hippo Tang, 1 Sailfin Tang, 1 Tomini Tang, 7 Lyretail Anthias (6 Female 1 Male), 1 Swallowtail Angelfish, 1 Helfrichi Dartfish, 1 Purple Dartfish, one skunk cleaner shrimp
Is the qt tank a reef (is there a substantial pod life in tank)? He might be eating pods and other worms. In my experience if alternative food is available they will eat it. For aptasia issue I would place him in tank with less pods and peel some off from display and let him go a bit hungry. They will take to it. Or stop bloodworms for a week. Seems your tank has a few anems. Becareful he might take a liking to them if hungry.

Yeah its my overflow of softies from my main tank.

Ok I will try and pull some Aptasia from the display and feed it to him have plenty of them lol.
I lost my Buddy today. I named him Bob almost a year ago - his was a funny personality in the tank - always following you around - begging to be fed. When feeding - he always tried to stick his snout up the turkey baster to get the prime bits before they went into the tank. he was my third copperband.

I have no idea what did him in. Maybe the barrier reef chromis. Maybe the Desjardin Tang. I really dont know. He was eating fine last night - all energetic. Didn't eat this morning - was in his usual hiding spot up near the top of the tank.

I recently introduced 200 red legged hermits to deal with some stubborn algae on the bare bottom and 6 banded gobies on saturday. Yesterday - I found three of the gobies dead (two in the tank on power heads - one was a jumper). Today - it was bob stuck to a power head.

I transferred Bob to the quarantine tank to see if he recovers but the chances are not great.
Sorry to hear that. I had just got my CBB through treatment and QT where I was able to get him to eat like a pig and he had quickly become my favorite fish but he ended up jumping the only time I forgot to put my top back on the tank.
Now I’m back to square one with a new CBB going through TTM at the moment. But he doesn’t seem to have quite the personality the other one did
Very sad. Ours ate frozen and pellets, but my wife was so stingy with feeding while I was away (she was very afraid of overfeeding) it starved :(
4 year cbb

4 year cbb

Sorrry to hear about your loss. Here is an update on this method. So far using this method I have a morish idol that is a master in my tank. He was only eaten worms for a 2months. He now eats pellets as aggressively as the tangs. He is also mean but that's good as he has 5much large fish. I also got a potters angel to with this same method. Yes I also still have my cbb. I will post video
I was thinking about this: I'm probably to blame here. remember how I mentioned I had some algae issues and got a lot of crabs to clean it up?

Well, at the same time I had stopped the nori feedings (once every two days). I've never seen Bob eat the nori - I've seen him sniffing around it alot - like he was looking for critters - but never actually seen him nipping at it. Maybe he was eating it after I had left the room.

He passed last night in my quarantine. He just got beat up to much to make it. He was very skinny - I could feel the rib cage bones through his body.

Theres a couple reasons I stopped the nori: The TLF clip that I used to feed it was starting to rust - releasing heavy metals into the tank and I figured with all the GHA I had popping up - there was no need for it - since the tangs and angel could eat the GHA. Guess I was wrong.