My Featured Tank for our club.


New member
I was chosen by our club for the Featured tank for our website. This is our first attempt at this so it will only get better the more we do. All in all I think it turned out pretty good.

I just thought I would share!

Here is the link:

Just click on the Feature Tank on the left.
Very nice tank and writeup! I know your brother too, I have bought quite a few very nice corals from him.

Great looking tank Bullet.:) Also, a very nice write-up. I can see how you wanted to go to an sps tank after seeing HOC's. I saw his tank about 1.5 years ago, not too long before he had to move. What an amazing tank that was. A really great guy too.
Just seen it....I must say I'm impressed with your tank man! I like the nice tallness on it with a view of the front and left side...

Well done reefer!

Congratulations on being the first featured tank on GIRS! :)

I would also like to say thank you for all the hard work you have put into the club over the years. You've definitely kept the club going even through all the changes and it looks like the club is only getting better!