My first GSP (first non fish addition actually)


New member
Well I was at my LFS today to buy a peppermint shrimp...when they told me they were out I couldnt help but look around and see if anything else caught my eye.

I've heard over and over Green Star Polyps are great for beginners...and they jsut happened to have a $10 piece of GSP calling my name.

I've got it in my tank in the highest flow area I've got (which really isn't much as I wasn't planning on adding any corals for a long while), and as close to my lighting as possible (I'm still in florescent, have a saving pot for MH or T5's).

About 3/4 of the heads are sticking out a very small amount (definately not fully extended) so I take thie as a pretty ok sign since they've only been in the tank for a few hours.

Is there anything I can do to increase my odds of success with my first little piece of coral? I've got some Kents Phytoplankton liquid suspension coming in the mail tomarrow (came free with some salt I bought on ebay) I've heard some GSPs will take that, and that adding iodine can be beneficial...

Is there anything else???

Thanks in advance for any help!

Iodine dosing is risky ... beware

GSP are pretty hardy but I'm not sure how well they can do under T-12 florescent. If you don't want to put a lot of money in your lighting you could buy a used PC hood in the sellers forum ... I see them go for $50 some times.
Agree with reefnewbie....careful with your Iodine. GSP will most likely get enough Iodine from the salt mix in your water changes. As far as long term success, put it under better lighting (Power compact would be fine) and lotsa flow. GSP may take a couple days to fully extend their polyps and most likely will retract when you turn the lights out. Great beginners choice! :cool: