My first post in the large tank forum.


New member
I am wanting to upgrade in the next few months to a much larger system than I have now. I currently have a 75 gal FOWLR setup. Need some ideas for a tank size. As I am wanting to keep a few tangs or maybe setup as a predator tank. Since I have always wanted to have a grouper but unable to due to the size of my current tank.

My ideal stock list options for a large tank:
Option 1, tang list:
Naso tang pair
Vlamingi naso tang
Blue hippo tang
Clown tang
Desjardini sailfin tang
Not sure what other tankmates to go with these tangs.

Option 2, predator tank:
Blacksaddle grouper
Miniatus grouper
Peacock grouper
Titan scorpionfish
And maybe an eel or two

I will be going with babies to young juvi's, so I can watch them grow. Can any of the fish from both options be mixed together or should I consider one option or the other? My initial plan is still sticking with a FOWLR setup as I am not familar with reefs.

So here is the rough dim. I am thinking of. 84" long X 30" deep and 24" tall. Or 96" long X 30" X 24" tall. I amight even consider 30" tall tanks if everyone thinks the fish would benefit from extra six inches in hieght.
My other questions are. Would I need to run a skimmer on this large sys if I use 75 gal as a refuge? Since I can use my current lights for it. If I use my 75 for a fuge, what size sump would I need to run along side it? Basically I need help with this entire setup idea since I have no experience with sumps, overflows, tank plumbing and pump return size, ect, ect. Open to all ideas, options, and opinions.

Also I am going to go with macro rock and acrylic rods to make an ideal aquascape for the tank. Since I can use my current 110 lbs of live rock to seed it. Another thing I would still like to have live sand substrate since I like the look of it. I currently have 60 lbs of live sand in my current tank, how much more sand would I need to add to have at least three inches deep sandbed? And what sand could I add on top of what I currently have?
I have a 120" tank and the fish love the swimming room. Even the anthias take advantage of it all. The mandarins take a few days to make a trip all the way around so I'm assuming that also helps with keeping the pod population up.

If you go with the tang tank. the vlamingi gets HUGE and will seriously need a large tank. The larger the better.

If you go with the predator tank, everyone gets HUGE and they get huge FAST. The larger the better with that list too.
Id go 240g... 96x24x24. 8' for the tangs to swim back and forth, with still enough height and depth for aquascaping. Its a fairly "common" size for a larger tank, so a LFS should be able to order you one with no problem. If you get it custom made, spend the extra $50 to have black silicone used.

Thats what I can contribute...
Also keep in mind that you will need a very large skimmer. These bigger fish are messy eaters.. Take that price into consideration when deciding on tank size.
Well i am thinking of maybe a DIY lagoon, but not sure where to look for filtration for somthing like this. I want a lagoon since I can build the entire structure out of wood and use a couple of heavy duty pool liners. But there is also another small problem, I want at least one side viewing panel. Still working out the dimension details.
You're going to need a real large tank for those tangs. A buddy of mine has a 450 (96x36x30) and his 2 large naso's and vlamingi make that thing look small! I would reccommend at least 10' and at least 3' wide.