My first SPS


New member
I decided to test my luck and got a semi cheap SPS from Live Aquaria last week ( It's rather pale, though and I'm not certain if this is normal. Do they get more colorful as they grow? The one in the photo on LA's site is pretty pale at the base, then blue at towards the tips.

Tank parameters are:
Temp: 80F
pH: 8.24
Calcium: 450ppm
Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates: 0ppm
Alkalinity: 7.4 (is this a little low?)
Salinity: 1.023 (I'm planning on raising this to 1.025 by adding saltwater to replenish evaporated water this week)

I've placed the frag about as high up in the tank as my rocks go. Should I be concerned about my BTA's proximity to it?


I'm not planning on going all SPS, just wanted to see if I was capable of keeping one in my current tank.
hey there... usually shipped corals are a lil faded or browned out when they get to your house due to stress and no light....

as far as parameters go id say deffinately raise your salinity up to 1.025 using a refratometer those swing arm hydrometers r no good IMO but sps like higher SG

as far as the alk id try to keep it up more towards 8-10dkh

big issues are flow and lighting

its guna need metal halide and a strong current in the tank

how is your lighting and your flow?
Lights are 4x48" T5s. I've read several threads where people have great success with SPS under T5s, which convinced me to give it a shot. I had previously thought that MH was a requirement. I've got real good flow in the tank. Flow through the sump is only around 300g/h, but I've got 2 Seio 820s in tank for flow. There are some green star polyps real close to this acro frag that are swaying violently in the breeze, almost to the point of being too much for them.

I've already got a refractometer on hand, so no issue there.
well it sounds like ur doing what u can... im not too familiar with T-5's but ive heard back and forth stories but i dont judge anyone lol they can use what they think works

sounds like the flow should be ok then too

well lets see how it does
Congratulations, now kiss your money goodbye!!!


No really, good luck and have fun. Looks like things will do well. I've seen plenty of tanks that have T5's that look amazing. I'm sure you will do well.
The lights are Nova Extreme (no individual reflectors). Looking back, I probably should have got a Tek Light fixture instead. I know that the individual reflectors add a big boost to their output. Maybe one day I'll upgrade.

The current setup is plenty of light for my older corals though (pearl bubble, galaxea, many zoanthids, GSP, pipe organ, kenya tree coral, colt coral, ricordea). Granted none of those are very light demanding with the possible exception of the pearl bubble coral. I've also got Christmas Tree Worms inhabiting what I think is a live porites coral. It's been in the tank a few months, and the polyps on the rock seem to be multiplying. Porites is an SPS coral, correct?