My first tank / reef


New member
Hey guys. I mentioned to a couple of you that I was starting up a 75gal, and well it is finally up and running, day 3 right now.

Head over to my build thread if you want to check it out. And if any of you frags or things of that nature let me know, I am still very new to the hobby but I am learning quickly.

Thanks in advance for any comments or concerns on my setup.

Thanks a lot Jeremy. I have bought nearly all my equipment from you guys and I have been very satisfied. I wish you guys had more storefront hours, because I would love to come in there more often and buy things from you guys. My running total through you guys so far is roughly $1800 or so in the past month. I haven't had any issues with any of the products as of yet, but I'm sure if I did your staff would take care of me. I can't wait to see you guys friday to pick up my full cleanup crew.

Thank you for the compliment on the sump.
Great start. Way to plan ahead and do the research before hand. If I were you I would include a phosreactor of some sort. I know you have the fuge but you wil find out that phosphates are the devil of reef aquariums. I run a fuge and a phosreactor with ROWAphos.

People quit this hobby when the algae gets ahead of them. So always stay ahead of it - use some phospahate remover, the fuge, and good routine water changes. Also, choose just a few fish as this will help limit the food you have to add everyday hence limiting organics in the system.

Good luck.