My fish disappeared......


New member
So I had a Purple Dottyback, very shy fish, always in the rock only coming out to feed or whenever there was noone in sight. He's gone. Not a trace, nothing.

culprits ?

hermit crabs...?
no crazy fish-eating anemones....
brittle stars...? HAVE been known to wrap up around sleeping fish.
I did see a little 1" crab when I first got the rock, him?
haven't heard any clicking noises, so not a mantis.
I know my longnose butterfly fish didn't do it....

Any suggestions...?
I had a purple Dottyback in my 5 gallon cube at work. There is only one piece of live rock a few Cowrys and one 3/4 inch crab. My Dottyback disapeared in two days and I couldn't find the body, even with only one peice of live rock in the tank! The crab has been removed!
that sucks because the only time I saw that darn thing was when I initially put the rock in there, now good luck finding it and taking it out...
I had a yellow/purple dottyback. When I went to move him to my new tank, he wedged himself IN the rock! I couldn't believe it. How did I find him? Well, I had all the live rock in a bucket, and after about 5 minutes, I heard something drop in the bucket. Sure enough, it was him!

They say these fish are remarkable at hiding...however I never went more than a day without seeing mine.

(I had to give him away as he got really aggressive to any new fish I added).
