My Fish List.


New member
I recently upgraded from my 75G glass FOWLR tank to a 180G acrylic peninsula tank that will be my soon to be reef.

I highly dislike the location of the tank but it would swallow the space in my living room if not, the tank has a centered overflow and is placed against a wall.

Fish list:
1. Purple tang
2. PB tang
3. Yellow Tang
4. Clown tang (note: all of the tangs are doing very well, no aggression at all.)
5. 3 green chromis
6. Royal Gramma
7. 1 TB ocellaris clown
8. 1 TB Black ocellaris clown
9. Blue Headed Wrasse
10. Green Bird Wrasse
11. Green Wrasse
12. Engineer goby
13. Lawnmower Blenny
14. Red banded Hawkfish
15. Gold Spotted Rabbitfish
(He is pushing ten inches easily thinking about finding him a new home)

Hoping to hear some feed back can post photos if asked.
if you can get rid of the rabbitfish I would get a lot of different colored antheas.. those always look cool, espicaly when they get pretty big
Got rid of him today traded my LFS for a Kenya Tree colony. He mowed though my daisy polyp frag in less than a day so that was the decision maker for me!