My home SPS reef [175G/800l]


New member
Hi all,
Since it is my first post on RC I would like to welcome everyone and thank all of you for giving me such a great time of reading the forum for the past 2 years.

After these last two years I've learned much about keeping SPS corals, and what is more important I've realized how much knowledge and experience is still waiting for me :).

I would like to start my own thread and share today some recent photos of some of my favorite corals. You are more than welcome to comment and ask questions.

Best regards
ps. sorry for my poor English (not my mother tongue ;)

pps. It's my first time posting a picture - sorry if sth goes wrong

wow,amazing corals and great pics paszembe:)
Thanks for sharing!
Would it be too much to ask for an fts?
Thanks for posting something here. The pictures have me very interested to see the entire system. Please share some more.
Welcome to Reef Central ! Excellent color on those corals, two years huh?. Looks like your doing very well at this SPS hobby. Thanks for sharing, plus one on that FTS.
Thank you for the nice worlds. I really appreciate this.

Would it be too much to ask for an fts?

Can you post a FTS and your tank setup?

Welcome to Reef Central ! Excellent color on those corals, two years huh?. Looks like your doing very well at this SPS hobby. Thanks for sharing, plus one on that FTS.

Well, it's been almost 18th months since I've put first life into the tank..

I'll try to put some FTS tomorrow. (Left my gear at work and I have to get back to pick it up). In a meantime here are some more photos I've took recently.

Please share some more.

Main tank : 162x82x60 (cm) ~ 800L + ~800l of sump system

My Sump: (separate room behind the wall):

The system filtration is based on strong skimming, NP Reducing Biopellets and an algae tank.

Sorry for bothering you with so much pics, but I've got around 100 different acroporas in the main tank - so there are soooo many photos I would like to share.

Best regards
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Beautifully done! Looking forward to that front tank shot! :D

Everything looks great. Thanks for sharing with us! The more pics, the better. :thumbsup:
Well, I'm really not to proud of my tank overall look "“ it resembles a random pile of rock with corals on every free spot. This is mainly due to my lack of vision and knowledge when I started this tank. I probably like most of beginners wanted every coral I can get. In the future I plan to gather only the corals I really want to have and rearrange my hardscape to less LR with carefully planed placement of every SPS.

It's also very hard for me to get a good picture on a 1.6m tank "“ corals look so tiny and blurry with no real color "“ so I've made a few additional close-ups.

Hope you enjoy it.

Untitled by foxPL, on Flickr

I love the fts paszembe:inlove:
Tank looks amazing!
I'm with you on your choice to keep only the corals you realy want;)

How long has it been running and please can you mention some of your parameters and filtration?
Beautiful reef Pawel!
How is the saltwater/reef selection in Polska?

Thank you Jas.
I could say that selection is never as good as I'd like it to be :)

Comparing to what I can see in the U.S. or for example Germany I'd say that we have quite nice hardware (skimmers, pumps etc.) and soft corals/LPS availability but when it comes to SPS it's not so good.
Maybe it's just my imagination that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence :)
But there are some great exceptions, most of my favorite SPS I've got from a friend of mine - Krzysztof Tryc (a.k.a lunar on RC). He is in a reef business for many years and he's livestock is always at premium quality. Sad thing is that visiting him is a half a day trip (both ways) from where I live.
I love the fts paszembe:inlove:
Tank looks amazing!
I'm with you on your choice to keep only the corals you realy want;)

How long has it been running and please can you mention some of your parameters and filtration?

Thank you,
I'ts been around 18 months since I've started. Filtration as I mentioned above is based on a skimmer , NP Reducing Biopellets and an macro algae tank (not sure how to call it "“ a fuge?). The basic parameters are:
Salinity "“ 35ppt
Temp "“ 25-26.5 C
PH "“ 8-8.3
Ca "“ 400
KH "“ 7-7.7
MG "“ 1300
NO3 "“ mostly undetectable
Po4 "“ undetectable
K "“ 380

Best regards,
Looking great mate, I can't believe your tank is only 18 months old. I really like your choice in fish. (your coral is superb too) Do you have a fish list by any chance?
Looking great mate, I can't believe your tank is only 18 months old. I really like your choice in fish. (your coral is superb too) Do you have a fish list by any chance?

In fact I have :)
Some time ago my tank was featured as a tank of the month on a polish local reef forum so I had to prepare such a list.
Latin names only - sorry.

Zebrasoma flavescens
Zebrasoma xanthurus
Acanthurus leucosternon
Ctenochaetus striatus
Paracanthurus hepatus
Siganus vulpinus
Pseudanthias squamipinnis – 10x
Chromis viridis – 6x
Chrysiptera springeri – 5x
Nemateleotris decora
Synchiropus splendidus – 2x
Synchiropus picturatus
Pseudochromis fridmani – 2x
Labroides dimidiatus

I had more but I’ve decided to limit my livestock and gave some of my fishes to friends or to a LFS. I’ve also breaded my own clown fishes but after few successes it become boring and time consuming so I gave it up too.

btw. This is my tank on Sep, 16, 2012 while cycling.
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Thank you,
I’ts been around 18 months since I’ve started. Filtration as I mentioned above is based on a skimmer , NP Reducing Biopellets and an macro algae tank (not sure how to call it – a fuge?). The basic parameters are:
Salinity – 35ppt
Temp – 25-26.5 C
PH – 8-8.3
Ca – 400
KH – 7-7.7
MG – 1300
NO3 – mostly undetectable
Po4 – undetectable
K – 380

Best regards,

Thanks for the info pawel:beer:
Sorry i missed the bio pellets part,went a bit fast through it!

And one last question:p
What's your bulb question?