Love the tank, both before and now. Gorgeous! Your photography is fantastic, too. What kind of camera do you have, and what lens/lenses are you using for your macro shots?
Speaking of photography, assuming you're using digital, there is software available now that you might be interested in. It allows one to do "focus stacking" which is taking lots and lots of shots of the same thing, focusing from bottom to top or front to back in small increments, then feeding all of the shots into the software and the software automatically picks the best focused spot in each photo and combines all of those spots into one photo that is perfectly focused throughout the shot. I've seen it used in long shots, like a field of tulips in bloom, as well as in macro, like a close-up of a flower. It essentially compensates for the loss of field depth you often see in close-ups and in distance shots both. The software is about $100, US dollars. Search "focus stacking" and you'll find explanations, ads, etc., for it. Really exciting. Of course the subject of the photo has to be still, so you couldn't do it with a fish or a pulsing xenia, and you might need to turn your current off or down during photographing, but it might be worth checking out. (just skip over the ads for the Ford Focus, which is a car, not photo software

One last thing - your English is better than I frequently see on the internet from people right here in the U.S. who presumably grew up with it! I did chuckle at one thing, though. You said you had previously "breaded" clownfish. That spelling of bread is the kind you eat, and a "breaded" fish is usually one that is covered in some sort of bread crumbs prior to cooking. What you meant is that you used to "breed" or had previously "bred" the fish.