my house reef (211 g.)

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Your tank is absolutely fantastic - thank you so much for sharing it with us.

I am intending to build a similar tank to yours and intend to employ a T5 lighting strategy. Could you tell me if your glass is low iron or ordinary (plate) float glass? If it is low iron, can you tell me the (European) manufacturer?

Thank you very much,


many thanks for your message.
I am very pleased about the nice compliments!

I am intending to build a similar tank to yours and intend to employ a T5 lighting strategy. Could you tell me if your glass is low iron or ordinary (plate) float glass? If it is low iron, can you tell me the (European) manufacturer?

The glass of my tank is float Glass. I can recommend you the T5 illumination very much. It is the best illumination which I know. I have experimented with the factor light for a long time. I have found the best light in T5.

with all that blue spec lighting. do you get much growth?

The growth is very good. The corals grow in my system up to 3 cm per month.
II have extended my lights by 160 watts two weeks ago.
Already after this short time the first successes let themselves be seen.


Iwan what is the total number of bulbs and total wattatge now?


The old version was:

2 x54 watt ATI Aquablue Special
2 x54 watt ATI Blue plus
3 x80 watt ATI Aquablue Special
3 x80 watt ATI Blue plus

Makes 696 watts

And now:

2 x54 watt ATI Aquablue Special
2 x54 watt ATI Blue plus
4 x80 watt ATI Aquablue Special
4 x80 watt ATI Blue plus

Makes 856 watts
Iwan what is the total number of bulbs and total wattatge now?


The old version was:

2 x54 watt ATI Aquablue Special
2 x54 watt ATI Blue plus
3 x80 watt ATI Aquablue Special
3 x80 watt ATI Blue plus

Makes 696 watts

And now:

2 x54 watt ATI Aquablue Special
2 x54 watt ATI Blue plus
4 x80 watt ATI Aquablue Special
4 x80 watt ATI Blue plus

Makes 856 watts
Iwan could you please post some sort of fish stocking list?
And/or what kind of anthias do you have in there?(they are beautiful)

Fish stocking list:

2 Zebrasoma flavescens
1 Zebrasoma veliferum
20 Pseudanthias squamipinnis
11 Chromis virdis
3 Amphiprion ocellaris
2 Oxycirrhites typus
2 Synchiropus splendidus
2 Labroides dimidiatus
1 Salarias fasciatus
1 Gobiodon okinawae
2 Gobiodon histrio
So Iwan, what do you think is the major factor in the success of your reef tank, the T-5 lighting, or the bacteria food?
LOL What a tank I wish I had seen it a little sooner I was just in Iceland. You have my vote for tank of the month. Now I'm sure I made the right choice with T% bulbs
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